Thursday, October 30, 2008

Update on Mom ...

Resting! YAY!! I stopped in this a.m. to see Mom before work and stayed for about 40 minutes or so. She was sound asleep and didn't even know I was there. I talked to her overnight nurse and she said she slept well throughout the night, too, and that her blood pressure had remained stabilized. YAY!! Her headache was still lingering, but Mom didn't want additional pain medication for it, so it must not be too bad! Again ... YAY!!

I am not spending the night at the hospital as I did last year. Not because I don't care or don't love her ... quite the opposite! I don't want her to be too comfortable ... we want her to come home much sooner this time than she did last time! I'm stopping in before work, and going in after work to visit. I may swing by at lunch today since she wasn't awake this a.m. Have to play it by ear, depending on the work schedule, of course : )

Must get to work ...will update again later!

Have a terrific Thursday : )

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