Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving ... a day to count our blessings! I am blessed and have much to be thankful for ... indulge me as I list a few of them:
my Mom ... that her surgery was successful and that she was here to celebrate with us!
my Dad ... that God continues to give him another day in spite of the poor health that I think he is in. What a blessing it would be for him to go see a doctor so we could continue to celebrate life together!
my brother ... who lives to far away and sounds happier and more content than he has in years! I pray life continues to treat him well!
my husband (Mike) ... for the unconditional love that he showers me with every day and for the encourager he is in my life. He actually told someone he works with that I am writing a book ... was explaining "Lesson Plans" (book about Jane) to them!
Kristian ... my beautiful baby at 17 years old. She continues to be cute and beautiful all meshed into one of the smartest young women I know! She knows what she wants in life and I believe she'll get it!
Zach ... my stepson ... continues to impress me in his new job ... just heard again today how much the kids and other teachers love him. He continues to grow up a bit more every day ... he chose to hang out with his Mother's family for Thanksgiving and that's OK. We see him most every day ... and we are thankful that he is close!
Megan ... beautiful, independent, driven ... my stepdaughter! Missed her and Brian being here this year!
Brian ... my son-in-law ... he makes Megan happy and that's all we have ever wanted ... we treasure him for that!
My best friend ... Leslie ... who I connect with in an uncanny way! We know each other's thoughts before we think them it seems ... even with as many hours and miles as there are between us!
My faith "church" family ... those I worship with, sing with, play with, laugh with, cry with, care with, celebrate with, pray with ... those who are near and those who have moved away ... still part of my faith family!
My friends ... those who I get to see every day and those that I haven't seen in days, months, years!
My job(s) ... that I have a regular job and freelance writing opportunities to supplement so that we can provide for our family and have the wherewithall to help others more than we could in the past!
My life ... it's good! Not perfect ... but really, whose is?

Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving weekend!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Out of the mouths ...

One of my friends from church told me Wednesday night that her four-year-old and a friend were discussing having a bad day, and in the midst of their conversation her daughter referenced the message I gave in church a couple of weeks ago! She told her friend that raspberry days are the bad ones and you have to make them rainbow days!!

How exciting that someone so young got something out of the message God allowed me to share!!! I love that!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Not enough time in a day ...

... because I am not the best at time management!

'Tis the season ...

for basketball! This past week was the first official week for high school basketball practice. Mike coaches so our life gets crazy November through February! It will be a building year for he and the team. He plays the run and gun style so it will be different, but it will be exciting!! I love the fast play and really hope he does the 5 in 5 out ... though I don't know if we have the players to pull that off. We'll see and soon! The first game of the season is next Monday, 24th!!

He continues to be more and more energized as it gets closer to the first game ... I hope his team is getting excited, too! Mike truly believes in the team approach so I hope that they are paying attention and understanding his philosophy. If they do, and they play together, they will play better and will have more success. All he ever wants, as any good coach does, is for them to work hard and play hard and to do it together as a team! Let's go Cavies!! Play hard and play fast!!

Sick baby ...

I hate it when the kids are sick! Kristian got up this morning with a headache, slight fever and is throwing up! She is one unhappy camper ... her 17th birthday is Tuesday and she is hoping that she'll be fine by then! ME TOO!!! And I hope it doesn't spread through the house. We would like to all be healthy for her birthday ... she has asked us to take her and two friends to dinner to celebrate. Hope we all feel up to it when Tuesday arrives.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Good Days & Bad Days!

How do you handle the things that happen in your daily life? Are each of your disconnected activities connected really? I think so! I think they are, can be or should be connected through Christ!

My Mama Dees (Leslie's Mom) gave me three words two years ago, the day that we honored her memory. She said those three words to me as I slept the night of her funeral. With seemingly no connection, we have now found connection in them through Christ and to begin putting that thought together... Mums, Raspberries and Roses!

Quiet days or days of grief;
Bad days;
Good days;

and we added Rainbows to the mix because it was a symbol shared by Mama Dees and Leslie through the years. And the meaning of this one is:

Remembering God's promises!

I had the privilege of sharing this message at each of our services last Sunday. It seemed to have touched some hearts. I had the weirdest sense of peace as I spoke each time. It was a peace that surpasses all understanding ... a peace that could only be from God!

Leslie and I continue to flesh out the ideas for MRRR ... we will put together our devotion book and Bible study guide, as well. I'm excited about the possibilities!

Life is good!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

What is your Holy Compulsion?

My small group is doing a study based on Donna Partow's book, "Let Your Life Count Now." One of the chapters talks about our holy compulsion ... She asks , "What is the one thing that you can't not do? The thing that you are compelled to do?"

This morning, via e-mail, Leslie (best friend for 34 years ... YIKES!) and I were talking about what we think is our holy compulsion. MRRR - I'll be sharing a glimpse of it tomorrow in the message at church. Will elaborate more on it in another post!

I have so many emotions/thoughts running through my head and heart about tomorrow. I am excited that I have the privilege of sharing what I feel God has placed in my heart. I am nervous that it seems He wants me to talk ... singing/drama/writing ... those I can do! This speaking thing is a bit out of my comfort zone ... I trust He'll give me the words to provide the message He wants people to hear, and that he'll keep me calm throughout each of the three services!!

Hugs & Blessings

Thursday, November 6, 2008

She's home ...he's 40!

Mom got to come home from the hospital this morning : ) YAY GOD!!

Today is my baby brother's 40th birthday!! Welcome to the beginning of your next decade, little brother : ) Happy birthday!!!

Can't shake this headache I've had since last Thursday! GRRRRR!!!!

Sunday I have the privilege of giving the message at church ... prayers appreciated!