Saturday, November 8, 2008

What is your Holy Compulsion?

My small group is doing a study based on Donna Partow's book, "Let Your Life Count Now." One of the chapters talks about our holy compulsion ... She asks , "What is the one thing that you can't not do? The thing that you are compelled to do?"

This morning, via e-mail, Leslie (best friend for 34 years ... YIKES!) and I were talking about what we think is our holy compulsion. MRRR - I'll be sharing a glimpse of it tomorrow in the message at church. Will elaborate more on it in another post!

I have so many emotions/thoughts running through my head and heart about tomorrow. I am excited that I have the privilege of sharing what I feel God has placed in my heart. I am nervous that it seems He wants me to talk ... singing/drama/writing ... those I can do! This speaking thing is a bit out of my comfort zone ... I trust He'll give me the words to provide the message He wants people to hear, and that he'll keep me calm throughout each of the three services!!

Hugs & Blessings

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