Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving ... a day to count our blessings! I am blessed and have much to be thankful for ... indulge me as I list a few of them:
my Mom ... that her surgery was successful and that she was here to celebrate with us!
my Dad ... that God continues to give him another day in spite of the poor health that I think he is in. What a blessing it would be for him to go see a doctor so we could continue to celebrate life together!
my brother ... who lives to far away and sounds happier and more content than he has in years! I pray life continues to treat him well!
my husband (Mike) ... for the unconditional love that he showers me with every day and for the encourager he is in my life. He actually told someone he works with that I am writing a book ... was explaining "Lesson Plans" (book about Jane) to them!
Kristian ... my beautiful baby at 17 years old. She continues to be cute and beautiful all meshed into one of the smartest young women I know! She knows what she wants in life and I believe she'll get it!
Zach ... my stepson ... continues to impress me in his new job ... just heard again today how much the kids and other teachers love him. He continues to grow up a bit more every day ... he chose to hang out with his Mother's family for Thanksgiving and that's OK. We see him most every day ... and we are thankful that he is close!
Megan ... beautiful, independent, driven ... my stepdaughter! Missed her and Brian being here this year!
Brian ... my son-in-law ... he makes Megan happy and that's all we have ever wanted ... we treasure him for that!
My best friend ... Leslie ... who I connect with in an uncanny way! We know each other's thoughts before we think them it seems ... even with as many hours and miles as there are between us!
My faith "church" family ... those I worship with, sing with, play with, laugh with, cry with, care with, celebrate with, pray with ... those who are near and those who have moved away ... still part of my faith family!
My friends ... those who I get to see every day and those that I haven't seen in days, months, years!
My job(s) ... that I have a regular job and freelance writing opportunities to supplement so that we can provide for our family and have the wherewithall to help others more than we could in the past!
My life ... it's good! Not perfect ... but really, whose is?

Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving weekend!!

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