Friday, December 19, 2008

Time flies!

Hard to believe it's almost Christmas! Life had been busy at the Rigoni's ... I'm busily getting ready for the Christmas services and productions at church, while Mike spends his time coaching and scouting! But both are activities we are passionate about!!

Kristian starts taking her finals today and I got to take her to school yesterday and today ... because the weather is so bad! Oh, well ... it's a bit of time to spend together ... though neither of us say too much ... unlike Mike, we are NOT morning people!!

Next week will be fun because all the kids will be home for Christmas! Praying weather between here and Minnesota will be OK for Megan and Brian to travel in!! Kristian, unfortunately, has to work on Christmas Eve! GRRRR!!! She was afraid to tell me, because she knows our Christmas Eve is one of my favorite family days ... sharing our appetizer feast, opening a gift before church, enjoying the Christmas Eve service as a family, then coming back home, eating more, sharing wine and grape juice, opening more gifts and simply sharing in the time together ... us, the kids and Mom and Dad! If Chuck could join us it would be perfect!!

Merry Christmas to all!!

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