Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Go Cavies!!!

We just wrapped up the holiday tournament and the Carlinville Cavaliers won their last two games! Boy, did we need that ... the players, the coach, the coaches wife! They were good wins ... the team was playing hard!

One of my favorite things about going to see the Cavies play is the fans! They are excited, enthusiastic and encouraging, whether the team is winning or losing! They are committed and proud of their boys ... I love that!!

I also love watching my husband coach ... he is such an encourager and you can see the passion as he talks to his players ... very simply, he wants them to be better today than they were yesterday ... and that isn't just better basketball players ... he wants them to better young men, better students, better at all they attempt ... and well, being better basketball players doesn't hurt!

Blessings to all as we close out 2008 today!

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