Friday, December 26, 2008

Year in, Year out!

It is absolutely incredible that 2008 has almost come to an end! I will spend the next week reflecting on this past year and all that has transpired ... the good, the bad and the ugly ... as I am sure there is a bit of each!

At the same time, I will begin to set goals for the incoming year. I know there are things that I have yet to accomplish, but still plan on doing ... completing the book about Jane Byram, finishing my novel, "Stormy," and getting the devotion book, "Mums, Raspberries, Roses & Rainbows" underway with Leslie!

I would really like to simplify life in the coming year ... get rid of the clutter in my life, both literally (I am a packrat and need to clear the papers, the folders, the stacks) and figuratively (my mind is full of clutter and needs to be sifted through) so that I can think more clearly, which will allow me to complete some of the things in my life that I've been hanging on to for so long! Here's to 2008 and 2009!

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