Friday, January 30, 2009

Health issues continue ...

Well, I had hoped that by now I would have answers to the health issues I have been dealing with ... chest pains/burning sensations and shortness of breath, mostly. Chest feels like there is something sitting in it. Very frustrating. The initial medication they gave me didn't work, so that ruled out (they think) ulcer, esophigitis, and acid reflux.

Had blood and other tests which seemed to have ruled out anything with kidney, liver, etc. Chest x-ray showed clear and this past Monday did a nuclear stress test. Fortunately, that showed that there is no blockage. The problem is, my chest still hurts and I am still having breathing issues. GRRR!!

My cardiologist's nurse called today and they have asked me to come in on Monday for an echocardiogram. She said the doctor wants to make sure that everything in my heart is structually sound, that the valves, etc. are functioning properly, etc. So, yet another test on Monday a.m. I just keep praying and I know that I have many friends who are doing the same thing : )

Monday afternoon Dad is having a complete physical ... it is much over due and I am proud of him for agreeing to have it done.

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