Friday, January 16, 2009

Whirlwind doctor visits ...

Have been having issues ... chest pains/burning sensation/shortness of breath, etc. Had a physical last week. Cardiologist visit yesterday ... have a stress test and pictures scheduled for Jan. 26. Said it would take a good three hours.

Today I went back to the clinic where my doctor is. She wasn't available so saw the Dr. in the clinic. I was checked out and sent on my way to the hospital for a series of blood tests and a chest x-ray. And a prescription for a medicine that is for ulcers, erosive esophagitis and acid reflux. Hopefully, all my problems are as simple as acid reflux. I feel, however, as if someone has beaten and bruised my chest and ribs. Very frustrating, 'cause I feel good otherwise ... especially can't seem to catch my breath. I have lots of people praying for/with me, so surely the results will help the doctors determine what the problem is and we can figure out how to treat me. I am miserable.

Since I am a singer, I am especially frustrated because it hurts to sing. I can't even hold a phrase and can't seem to hold my notes very well! GRRR!!!! I sang the National Anthem at Mike's game Tuesday night, and he said it wasn't bad, but that he could tell I was struggling for air. How depressing! And I knew he was right. He strongly suggested I stay home from the game tonight and just rest. I took Kristian out to dinner and have been home since watching television. Getting ready to lay on the couch for a bit with my blanket and a book 'til he gets home. So, sweet dreams!!

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