Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hello, from Oakbrook, Illinois ...

Traveling on business again ...this time for a niche magazine conference focused on ad sales specifically. Starts bright and early tomorrow a.m. ... I have to be at registration at 7:30 (I volunteered to help!) I know you are all shocked! LOL!! Looking forward to learning and/or reaffirming what I already know so I can continue to increase sales. And figured helping with registration will allow me to get to know people quicker ... I did volunteer kind of blindly ... so I hope they don't have me wearing a mascot costume or something! YIKES!! One should probably think for a few moments before hitting the reply/send key saying, "I can help!"

I am waiting for maintenance to come and fix the lock on my balcony door. The setting is beautiful, 3rd floor overlooking a wooded area. So, if I can get the door to lock ... it will be perfect.

Blessings to all!

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