Tuesday, December 28, 2010

End of one year/beginning of another ...

This is the time to really stop and reflect on the year that is coming to a close and look forward to what the new year may hold.

While I'll take the next week to do some active reflecting, I am already excited about 2011! I am confident that it is going to be a year of finished projects ... personal & professional; a year of new beginnings in different areas of life, and I am ready to forge ahead to make things happen!

I'll list specific/measurable goals later this week. I can tell you that one of my goals is to post more regularly (minimum 2x a week) on Purposeful Living, and I'm planning to begin doing some podcasting, Encouragement for Purposeful Living, as well, with the first one ready to go Jan. 15. Stay tuned.

What are your plans for 2011?

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas wishes to all!

It's Dec. 22 ... only 3 more days 'til Christmas, and I am so looking forward to celebrating with my family on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning! My brother gets to come into town from Louisiana, which is a rare occasion, especially at the holidays because he is in retail management. It's a little bittersweet, as Megan and Brian don't get to come in this year. They now live on the East Coast and will be spending the holidays with his family. We will, however, be Skyping with them on Christmas Eve after Kristian gets home from work. Thank goodness for the blessings of technology!

Megan gave my Mom the best gift yesterday! The box of gifts we sent to the kids arrived yesterday. Grandma & Grandpa included checks and a mix of Grandma's homemade candy. Megan called her Grandma and thanked her for the candy. My Mom was concerned that the envelopes with the checks might get mixed in with the papers and told Megan to be sure and look for them. She said, "Grandma, we found those and put them under the tree with the other gifts, but the candy you made for us really makes it feel like Christmas!"

When I was talking to Mom on the phone I could just sense that she was beaming! Touching the hearts of others ... that's what Christmas is all about!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving and blessings ...

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday celebration I am reminded of how very blessed I am, and I give thanks for:

Family - two daughters and a son and a son-in-law, each of whom I love very much! A husband who is loving, caring, faithful, fun-loving and the light of my life! Parents who are still married ... to each other ... and who would give you the shirt off their back. A brother I adore and only wished lived closer. Aunts, uncles and cousins too numerous to name! My very best friend of 36 years who I consider to be my sister! My church family, whom I depend on much more than they probably know!

Friends - so many friends, old and new ... it's said that God places people in our lives for the different seasons of our lives and for different reasons. My seasons have been overflowing with so many wonderful people that I am honored to call friends! Thank you!

Job/work - There are many who don't have the opportunity to get up and go to work, much less go to a job they actually like. I am blessed to have both ... a job that I like, plus, the bonus of liking the people with whom I work. It's a family, in and of itself!

Opportunities - to write, to speak, to perform thru song and drama, to share inspiring stories and lift others up! Life is good ... it should be shared!

Stuff - some folks don't have a roof over their head, a bed to sleep on and/or blankets to warm them, food to fill their tummies, or clothes/shoes to protect them from the elements. My family is fortunate! We don't live extravagantly ... we are thankful, though, for the comfort of a warm home, food and clothes.

God - Most of all I am thankful for God who pours blessings on us, who loves us unconditionally and is merciful, forgiving, loving and gracious!

For the Mums, Raspberries, Roses n Rainbows of life! May each fulfill God's purpose for His day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Taking life for granted ...

A close friend of mine last night found out that her sister died unexpectedly. She was only 44 ... same age as me! Really makes you stop and think, to count your blessings! I am so thankful for the family n friends I have in my life, for the good health my husband and I both have, for our children and how wonderfully successful they each are in their own endeavors!

Have you counted your blessings yet today?!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

times of opportunity ...

When do you know if an opportunity is presenting itself at the right time? When do you take the risk and move forward? Leaps of faith ... I need to be more intentional about them, I think!
Have a blessed day!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Writing - the commitment!

Last night (Sunday, Oct. 3) I began sifting through all of my notes, brochures, pamphlets, booklets on acute myelogenous leukemia, the cancer that my friend Jane Byram has battled and beat!!! I am writing her story, which is remarkable! It's a wonder that she is here to tell about it.

AML according to Wikipedia, is "of the myeloid line of blood cells, characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that accumulate in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cells. AML is the most common acute leukemia affecting adults, and its incidence increases with age. Although AML is a relatively rare disease, accounting for approximately 1.2% of cancer deaths in the United States,[1] its incidence is expected to increase as the population ages."

For Jane, while there were a number of complications along the way, she did have a successful stemcell transplant and shares her story, personally, any time the opportunity arises. Last night as I began re-reading notes and coming up with additional questions, I got a fire in my belly that had not been there for awhile. I spent a good two hours working on it, and will try to devote at least that much time to it most days!

I'm anxious to get the remaining chapters written and will begin sending queries and sample chapters out to prospective publishers. Know any publishers who may have an interest in a motivational story about fighting cancer?

The book is formatted so that readers may simply read it as a story of hope and encouragement or use it as a learning tool in personal study or in a small group setting. Each chapter includes personal interviews and testimony, scriptural and motivational references, photographs and illustrations, as well as a set of topical questions/conversation starters to help facilitate meaningful thoughts/discussions and/or journaling opportunities.

I have three or four chapters basically completed. Pray as I begin editing, refining and adding chapters! 

If you have cancer-related stories about yourself or loved ones, please feel free to share with me for possible inclusion as real-life examples of how to or not to handle life/death as it relates to cancer and other serious illnesses. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New commitment to healthy eating begins ...

Oct. 1!

Today 9/28/2010 at the office we had a 50th b-day celebration for one of our friends/co-workers with all the goodies that accompany such an event. My contribution was grapes ... red and green, which I enjoyed and hope others did as well.

However, though relatively small portions, I did also enjoy a bit of warm blackberry cobbler, brownie, banana/pineapple cake and peanut butter fudge! All delicious, but now I need to be sure and work twice as hard at my evening workout to burn all the extra calories. I'll post what I get done!

Tomorrow we have a bridal shower ... 'nough said!

Took Kristian to lunch ... Subway ... so that was fine, and we'll likely grill something and have a salad for dinner. It's time for me to cut out all the sugar again to kick-start my weight loss. I am within 15 lbs of where I think I want to land. My problem with sweets is I can't seem to control it once I start ... I'm kind of an all or nothing gal in the sweets department.

So ... tomorrow I'm cutting them out for a two-week period. I'm also not drinking enough water again, so I'll be more intentional with that as well.

Wishing you health & and wellness!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Encouraging others ...

is what I really want to do! I met with a friend yesterday who has asked for encouragement and accountability as she begins the journey of getting healthy in her eating and adding exercise to her life. I am so excited to begin this chapter in her life with her!

I will also have a busy week this week after being out of the office sick for three days!

Hoping for a good night's sleep so I'll be ready to get up and get my day started with a workout before weigh-in at the office!!

Wishing you rainbows n roses!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Finally ...

feeling better ... not 100%, but better! Headed out soon to visit with a good friend who has come back for a visit. He and wife live in Cincinnati now, so don't get to see him often. Couple of other friends are supposed to meet up with us, too ... we'll see if they get to join us! Hope so ... and Mikie might come out for a bit, too!

Love the Fall weather, but would like to have some sunshine with it ... not the damp, cold rain!! And just realized, I have no Fall clothes in my closet that fit! Most of the time it's fun that everything's too big now. But tonight, I'm wishing for something warmer. Gonna go with silly summer shirt and a jacket n jeans ... hope that will work!

Hugs n giggles!

Friday, September 24, 2010

beautiful day ...

Another day at home ... still not feeling well, though a bit better. I have all of the windows opened today airing out the house. Maybe it will air me out, too, with some healthy vibes! Love fall weather and hope we get to enjoy a long fall season.

Still have so much to do in my home office ... sifting through all the papers and magazines ... making headway in between resting.

Did manage to sweep the floor and then had to sit down again. Ridiculous.  I just feel completely drained! This too shall pass ... right?!

Wishing you roses n rainbows!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

been too long ...

since I have posted, and the same things continue to run through my head and my heart!

I have been home today, not feeling well at all ... but I think it's more in my heart than anything. I can't quite put my finger on it. I have a lot of undone things that keep me from moving forward in life. I think I may need to take some time off so that I can finalize some projects ...

One of the first things I have to do is get my current home office cleaned out so we can get to work on moving the rooms around I've got some of that done, but there is more to do. I am a packrat for sure! Papers, books, and then more of both. I bought some storage containers and have been filling them. I think I'm going to need more or bigger ones! The two rooms that Mike and I have our respective offices in now are going to become one room ... he's taking the wall out and it will become our master suite. Our current bedroom will be my new office. I have an hour or so before choir ... I think I'll go see how much I can get done before time to go!!

Wishing you blessings n giggles!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Looking for the signs ...

Interestingly, well to me, anyway ... I asked God to share a sign with me to help me discern which writing project he wanted me to pour my energies into. I immediately heard a reference that made me think one of them was the top priority. Do you ever have those days when you already know the answer, really, but simply need affirmation? Well, I do. And this has been one of those weeks, actually ... and especially in the last two days. So I got the first sign. Not quite good enough to convince me. He sent the second. Still wondering if I am making more out of what is happening and being shown to me. So, yes, I asked for the third, just so I could be sure.

Not surprisingly, God is a God of abundance and I have now had no less than five or six things brought to my attention that makes me believe God wants me to work on the MiRRoR project. And so I am. I have dug out all the notes, notebooks, cards, scraps of paper, Bible and the written messages I have done on this. Mums, Raspberries, Roses n Rainbows. It is so close to my heart, soul and mind. It's time to share with everyone. So, stay tuned!

In the meantime, I wish you Roses n Rainbows!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Making Connections ...

I just returned from a business trip with fellow cooperative editors/advertising colleagues from the various states. We met in the DC area. I'm always impressed with the family-feel of the electric cooperative employees. I've only been with the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives for almost three years, which is a short time, relatively speaking. I'm happy to be a part of this group.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

PR with Purpose ...

Thinking about the direction of my business ... PR with Purpose ... a great deal lately. Though it began as a public relations business, it continues to evolve.  Public relations will likely continue to be an aspect of this venture. However, we are evolving more into a business of inspiration/motivation/encouragement and health/wellness through public speaking/writing/publishing and podcasting to come soon.We are excited about what's to come!

Stay tuned as we move forward ...

Purposefully yours,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tilt ...

Do you ever feel like the ball in a pinball machine ... going in all different directions and hoping that you'll land in the appropriate place, at the right time, with the right information and the right people, pointing in the right direction?

Just wonderin' ...

Wishing you a week of roses n rainbows as you find your direction!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Theme ... waiting!

Last night's Bible study focused on waiting and God's timing. Today, my best friend (Leslie) sent me a text that said "Wait" without knowing about the study. While working out, I listened to four of Joyce Myer's podcasts, all of which talked about waiting and God's timing and not our timing.

Hmmm ... do ya think I'm supposed to be getting a clue, here?

I'm waiting to see!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hubby has started his own blog

Check it out at ...


Seeking direction ...

Always wondering if I am following the plan that God has planned for me. This weekend I have the privilege of "preaching" at the church where I spent my childhood. It's so cool how God can bring the past back into our lives to provide blessings! I'm looking forward to reconnecting with those who helped form my faith. And of course, I get to see Leslie, too ... best friend of 36 years! I love that!!
Wishing you roses and rainbows!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life is good!

The sun is shining, breeze is gently blowing, flowers and trees are blooming, grass is green, sky is blue ... family is healthy and happy!

Open doors provide wonderful opportunities ... all I have to do is turn the knob and walk through!

Thankful for all of God's blessings ... life is good!

Wishing you rainbows and roses!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life is what you make it ...

Today, I intend to make it a great day! Counting my blessings and continuing to seek my God-given purpose!!
Have a blessed day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Heavy issue ...

I often wonder if it's the extra pounds that I carry weighing me down, or simply the burdens I can't seem to let go of and allow God to handle. Things that make you say ... hmmmmmm!!
Have a blessed day!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Almost February ... already!

Hard to believe that the first month of 2010 is almost complete already! I have started some great new habits ... mostly working out regularly and eating much healthier :) I notice the difference, too. Trying not to be such a procrastinator with the things that must be done, as well.

In fact, I have three stories due on Feb. 4, and I am hoping to finish each of them this weekend and turn them in on Monday.

I am doing better with making my sales calls, setting up appointments and going for the sale. It's all about building relationships, really, and I love that part of my job!

As for my own business ... it has been put on hold for the time being. I am trying desperately to figure out exactly what direction I am supposed to be taking it.

We are also working with Kristian to plan out college opportunities for her. She is convinced she wants to go to Johnson and Wales ... and she has already been accepted. Just have to figure out where the money is going to come from.

OK ... gotta get some stories written.

Hope the close of your January finds you with everything you had hoped the New Year would bring : )
