Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cowboy Church, etc. ...

No, really! That's what I am doing this coming Sunday ... Cowboy Church! I will miss being at Chatham Pres., but one of our AIEC board members and his wife are involved in Cowboy Church that is happening at Tri-County Antique Olden Days (south of Jerseyville on 109. Turn west on Rt. 3 at the junction.). They have some area performers who will do the majority of singing, etc., but have asked me to sing the National Anthem at the beginning of the service, and a verse of  "His Eye is on the Sparrow" during the message.  I'm really looking forward to it! The message will be delivered by horse whisperer Dennis Cappel and his wife, Cindy, of Hope Giver's Ranch, Silex, MO. I have it on good authority that hearts will be touched!

In the meantime, I am wrapping up profiles for Springfield Scene! It's such a blessing to do the interviews and find out what makes people tick and then tell their story. We have so many people in Springfield who have such wonderful stories! I am blessed to have the opportunity to share in their worlds and many times even getting to meet family members, etc.

I'm also writing the feature for the October issue of Illinois Country Living. Focus is on the education, building and business process for establishing and/or expanding wineries in Illinois. It is a growing business for sure.

Of course, ad sales work is happening every day, getting ready to go to Farm Progress Show next week, right after our IT Conference ... September is full of events, meetings, etc. I love it!! 

Desperately need a workout! Planning to get up early in the a.m. to work out before going into the office. Somebody should ask me tomorrow if I actually went : ) Accountability is a very good and necessary thing!!

That's all for now ...

Have a fabulous weekend!

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