Thursday, September 1, 2011

You are stronger than you think!

Ever have moments where you just aren't sure you actually can do something? You want to, but there is that nagging little bit of doubt, you aren't sure you are strong enough, or that you'll have the stamina to finish ... so you don't even try? Well, I am so over that mindset, and I would encourage you to join that school of thought ... especially if it's something positive, something good for you.

For example ... if you've read Mike Rigoni's latest blog,, he talked about the change-up in his workouts, and the inclusion of spin classes, which are now available on demand at Chatham Snap Fitness. I decided to try it with him tonight, and did much better than I had anticipated.

OK ... at 16 minutes I was ready to stop, and talked myself in to continuing and going 20 minutes. At 20 minutes, I decided I could probably make it to 25 minutes. At 25 minutes, I figured, OK, a 30-minute workout would be great. And I had already done my abs workout. Mike had initially told me that it's "about" a 40-minute workout. Figured I could just keep taking it 5 minutes at a time, until I can't do anymore. So, 35 minutes, 40 minutes. Ahh, done ... or NOT!! It was actually 45-minutes, which includes explaining the set up of your bike, how to change the resistance, lots of intervals (sitting and standing up pedaling), a warm-up, a recovery set, a cool down and then stretching at the end. And I DID IT!! THE WHOLE THING!!! Mike was extremely encouraging ... as is typically the case!

I am going to try to do Spin-on-demand and/or kick-boxing, stepping, etc., two to three times a week, and also do my regular arc-trainer, abs routine and circuit training workouts. Today I found out ... I CAN DO IT, try something new and succeed, and so can you! Try some new moves, new exercises, new healthy foods. It's a brand new month, a great time to start or re-energize your workouts . Let me know what you try and how you do! I'm encouraging you all the way!!

Wishing you a fit & fabulous day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many people on the earth to get a proper shape is a tricky and intensive exercise and there are lots of such core workout offered by completely different coaching institutes.