Sunday, September 4, 2011

What if?

This was the title of today's message, given by Brian Durbin at church today! Certainly food for thought! One of the things I am very good at, but working hard to correct, is asking that "What if?" question in a negative manner. You know the drill:

What if I try something new and fail?
What if I let someone down by saying 'No.'
What if I don't measure up, and someone doesn't like me?
What if I can't complete the riduculous, mostly self-imposed, to-do list?
What if I miss my devotion time? My family time? My church family time? Time with friends? My workout?

Time to rephrase and rethink the 'What if?' in a way that brings out the positive!!

What if I try something new and find success?
What if I bless someone else by saying 'No' and thereby open opportunities for them?
What if I think about measuring up in God's eyes, instead of man's?
What if I give my best and accomplish all that I can for Christ?
What if I spend more time with God in devotion and meditation and it energizes and blesses my life?
What if I spend quality time with my family and friends and find that we enjoy each other?
What if I serve my church family better in quality, not always just in quantity?
What if I get in at least a short workout and remember that God also says we need rest?

But wait there's more!!
What if I trust God for everything?
What if I have and share hope for the future?
What if I do what God has called me to do?
What if I share God's message of faith, combine it with fitness & wellness through personal training & encouragement, motivational speaking and help create healthier people from the inside out?

What if I count my blessings today? Oh wait, I already did that, and life is Ahhhh-mazing!!!

One of my friends posted today on FB:  
Five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less.

Have a fit & fabulous day!


1 comment:

The Bernie Lutchman Blog said...

Nice blog, Lisa! That's a good message by your pastor Durbin...great questions which am sure had a lot of folks thinking huh!

BTW, I enjoy your articles in Springfield Scene Mag! Keep on writing- you never know how many people can be touched! I found that out in my own blog which has grown significantly since I started daily devotions - most of them written by me - on it since March.

All kinds of thoughts come up that inspire especially during windshield time! ;-)

God bless,