Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept. 11 - 10 years later - priorities

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. It has been all over the news. I would venture to guess that everyone has thought about it over the last few weeks, and today, the actual anniversary, was certainly no exception. There were even more people in church today ... our mortality sometimes gets to us ... especially when there are events and things that bring that mortality to light. It touches hearts and makes us stop and hopefully, explore our priorities. That's what I am doing today ... exploring priorities. Reviewing tonight ... begin applying tomorrow!!

Health - applying the First Place4Health principles of health/wellness for emotional, spiritual, mental and physical life balance in preparation of leading the program at church!
      Emotional (heart) - make sure your feelings are based on fact and are not destructive
      Spiritual (soul) - giving control to God, applying scripture to daily life
Mental (mind) - have the right attitude, feed your mind positive, uplifting, encouraging food for

      Physical (body) - Live-it food program (not DIE-it ... I love that!) & working out
Writing - multiple projects to be done
     Jane's story (book about friend who is leukemia survivor) - goal is to write 1000+ words  
     minimum a day beginning tomorrow, 9/12!
     Mums, Raspberries, Roses n Rainbows devotional book - work on it at least twice a week,
     Stormy (novel). Same as MRRR.
     Blog - update 3 to 5 times a week.

Will be focusing primarily on Jane's book so that it can be completed. Search is on for an agent and/or publisher. Some chapters are already finished!!

Work - Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives/Illinois Country Living
     Developing strategic sales plans, focusing on relationship building with new and existing clients,
     business development and revenue generation!

Work - PR with Purpose
    Casting vision, re-visiting mission for, this, my own business.

Work - Avon
     Honeslty, I do this because it's fun! I enjoy the products, and I love that it's something Kristian 
     and I do together. In fact, we get to go to the Home for the Holidays event together this Friday.

And, of course, I will continue to make loving my family and friends a major priority! They mean the world to me!!!

Have a fit and fantastic week!

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