Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Motivation ... Inspiration!

Sunday I had a fabulous workout! I needed it ... a kickstart to a new phase of health & fitness. Was excited to have people signing up for the FirstPlace4Health program that I'll be leading at church starting Oct. 3. To me, that is a huge responsibility ... I want to motivate and inspire others to get healthy ... with that comes making sure I am not just talking the talk, but walking the walk!

I have decided that I have to workout on a more regular basis. Have been making all kinds of excuses over the last few months. Too tired. Don't feel good. Arm hurts. Too busy. Leg is cramping. Will do it tomorrow. If it's an excuse, I have uttered it and used it.

After my great workout Sunday, I dragged myself out of bed and went to Snap to do my workout before work both Monday and today ... my energy level both days has been so much higher! Have been more alert, more productive, more driven. Took my lunch both days, too ... healthier than eating out, for sure. And it gives me time to walk at lunch, too ... another 1/2 hour of cardio and bonus ... I get to visit with friends I work with!

Legs are sore, added squats and lunges this a.m., plus did my abs stuff. So excited for the results that will surely follow the hard work and better eating habits : ) And let's just put it out there ... was 147.4 on the scale yesterday. I'm only 5'2" ... and any little bit of extra weight I add back on shows. I'm 10 lbs up from where I was a few months ago, and it's simply because I haven't been puttin' forth the effort. Let's see where we go, 'cause I am putting the effort and the time in now!

Oh, yeah ... I'm watching the number on the scale, but it IS NOT the only thing I am taking into account as I track the success I want to have. Took my measurements too, and will track how my clothes fit. Plus, already having that energy level climbing back up is helping me spend more time in devotions and working on my writing projects. I am so thankful for the good health God has given me. All of these factors are major parts of my journey. You ready to take the journey with me?

Wishing you roses n rainbows, health and wellness!


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