Sunday, October 2, 2011

New beginings ...

Today I did a new workout ... Latin Hip Hop via Snap Fitness' Video On Demand! I have a hunch I'll be feeling new aches and pains tomorrow in places that I forgot existed. But it's all good! Last Thursday I did an hour on the arc trainer, burned 735 calories and was very proud of that. Didn't really "feel" it the next day, but know that it was beneficial. Did arc trainer on Friday and Saturday, too, only 30 to 45 minutes, plus other workout stuff. Today I started on the arc trainer, but in 15 minutes was bored ... you'll have those days. Since there was no-one else around (that could be watching and making fun of me) I decided to try the dance video. It was awesome! Funny, I did keep watching the door to see if anyone was watching ... LOL! Not that anyone would even have any interest in watching what I was doing ... although, everyone needs a good laugh once in a while.

Other new beginnings:
I am participating in (NaNoWriMo) National Novel Writers Month Roadmap Workshop starting today. This is my opportunity to get my novel laid out and be ready to get it written and finalized by the end of November, which is actually National Novel Writer's Month. I need the extra push, in general, and since I am having surgery the day before Thanksgiving, my NaNoWriMo will be cut eight days short. Still working on the "Jane" book, too. The publication deadline for that one is March : )

First Place 4 Health Small Group - starts tomorrow ... 11 people signed up, plus me! Looking forward to leading and participating in this group : )

Have a blessed week!!

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