Wednesday, October 19, 2011

waiting ...

This is so NOT my best thing!! Sitting at Prairie Heart waiting for Mom's heart cath to be finished and to see what they find, if anything. She is so scared that it breaks my heart. I can't seem comfort her. I've reminded her that I'm praying, that her family is praying, that her small group is praying, that her church family is praying and that my FB friends are even praying. Honestly, she is surrounded!! That gets me through the waiting part. Hoping it will get her through as well!

Thought I would post, and then go back to my Bible study ... the lesson/focus is on obedience this week, and I am trying to be obedient, both to God & Mom, not always easy.

I also have work to do. Thankfully, I am travelling for work this Saturday for the Sustainable Energy Expo in Southern Illinois, so I will make up time then that I am losing today, even gain a little extra, likely.

Trusting that all will go well today, and maybe I'll get a workout in later this evening once I get Mom home and all settled in. Dad is at home and can take care of her then. If she has to be admitted for something, then we'll do what needs to be done, and I'll arrange my plans accordingly : )

OK ... back to the waiting!

Wishing you all a day of blessings!

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