Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday, Sunday ...

WOW! A Sunday morning, and I actually got to sleep in. Happily, I sing on the praise teams most weeks at Chatham Presbyterian Church. However, I had the week off because we have an amazing teen praise and worship team that led today's service. As a result, I didn't need to be there at 7 a.m., like most Sundays. Sauntered in around 9 a.m., visited with folks and then worshiped at the 9:30 service. 

After church I worked out and then spent the afternoon hanging out at Panera. Did my Bible study ... focus is on prayer and spending quiet time with God. I'm trying to do more of that!! Spent some time reading, writing & finishing up an overdue newsletter. 

Today I read Sarah Mackey's blog ( This young woman amazes me each time I see the things that she is accomplishing. I would encourage you to follow her blog, as well. She is the executive director of Springfield's Habitat for Humanity, where she gets to make a difference every day in the lives of others. She is married to one of my favorite people, Brant Mackey, publisher of the Springfield Business Journal. She leads by example in our communities. She volunteers for organizations without hesitation and is a woman of strong moral character and integrity. She earned recognition recently for all that she has done as the recipient of the 2011 Athena Award. She takes initiative where/when needed. She is smart, impressive, for sure ... someone to watch!

Busy week ahead:

  • Working every day at AIEC/Illinois Country Living
  • Workouts every day at Snap Fitness
  • First Place 4 Health Small Group Monday evening.
  • Mom to doctor for lab work Tuesday and heart cath on Wednesday
  • Preparing to lead the large group kid's Sunday School time for next Sunday
  • IWIL program and AIEC Board Meeting on Thursday
  • Springfield Scene profile
Wishing you a fabulous week!

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