Thursday, October 6, 2011

Making choices ...

Sounds easy, until you say, making good choices vs. bad choices ... not quite as easy. It's a matter of knowing what you need vs. what you want. Surprising, I know, but those two things do not always line up. The new small group I am taking part in helps to make those decisions easier, at least for me. Knowing that others are looking to me for guidance also helps me in making better, more right choices.  Harder to encourage others if you aren't doing the things you recommend yourself!

For example ... I have gotten my butt out of bed every day this week, so far, and gone to Snap to get my workouts in BEFORE I come into the office. It's done. I have more energy, and honestly, it helps me make better food choices throughout the day, too. I am not getting up at 5 ish every day to then blow my hard work on something edible that I know is counter productive. Is that to say I won't have a treat once in a while ... absolutely not! I love my sweets as much as the next person, and a salty snack, too. However, I am more aware of the portion, and then don't beat myself up for having it. That all seems good to me!

Something to make you laugh:
I have been trying to get in at least a 45 minute workout each morning, including at least 30 minutes of cardio, starting on the arc trainer at Snap Fitness. Sometimes I do all 30 minutes, or a little more, just on that. Today, I wasn't motivated to keep going, so after 16 minutes, I decided to move to the next thing. Saw that the Kickboxing, advanced level, was running on the Video On-Demand screen, so decided to join it in progress. About five minutes into it, I was winded, but excited that I was keeping up. Then the gal says, "OK, great warm-up! Let's get started!" GREAT WARM-UP??! Are you kidding me?! I kept going until I had a total of 14 minutes to add to my initial 16 minutes on the arc trainer for the total 30 minutes of cardio, and then moved to my regular ab workout. Whew! It's all good! And I did something new!!

Headed to Applebee's for dinner tonight with hubby! Love their tropical paradise chicken salad ... hope it's not a seasonal menu item : )

Have a fabulous evening and weekend ... make good choices!

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