Friday, February 10, 2012

Still awake at 4:07 a.m. ...

and the alarm is set to go off in two hours and three minutes ... probably not a good sign for my Friday, but at least it is Friday!! I'll nap Saturday?! Have a physical this afternoon ... perhaps the no sleeping thing will really mean something when the blood shot eyes are evident : ) Funny, yet not!

In any case, during part of these waking hours I have read the Book of James (NIV). Talk about a life action plan within a book of life action plans!! Simply reading the headlines alone gives an idea of the topics covered, and all within only five short chapters.
  • Trials and Temptations
  • Listening and Doing
  • Favoritism Forbidden
  • Taming the Tongue
  • Two Kinds of Wisdom
  • Submit Yourselves to God
  • Boasting About Tomorrow
  • Warning to Rich Oppressors
  • Patience in Suffering
  • The Prayer of Faith
My Bible happens to have devotions intermingled among the pages of the chapters and verses, and the entire Book is still only eight pages. But wow, is it packed with things to consider.

Here's my short, sleepy take on the first headline:

Trials and Temptations: We all have them, and though it's tough, we have to push through! It's hard to swallow when James tells us to "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."

But what if we think ours is already developed to the point it's all we can handle? No more trials, please, really! But thanks, anyway! Not our choice to make, I suppose. So, with that noted, we should keep in mind, it's often the trials that help shape us, make us stronger. It's what helps us move forward. Sometimes, our trials and seeing how we handle it might even be what helps someone else through theirs. I'm just sayin'.

What could some of those Trials include? - People are losing jobs every day, often times completely unexpectedly after years of service. People are losing homes. People are losing money that they planned for retirement or were going to use to help send children to college.  People are stressed to the max and facing serious health issues as a result ... heart attacks, high blood pressure, depression and giving into Temptation which creates more stress ... a vicious cycle.

We have to learn to overcome the temptations. It's not easy, and we are bombarded with them ... they  are every where, every day. All you have to do is start your day and you will be hit ... in the media, in the refrigerator, in the cabinet, at the office, at the shopping center, at the bar, in the medicine cabinet, with that person, at the/in the/with the _______. (Fill in the blank with your temptation.)

That is some of the bad news. You know what that means though? There is also good news!  There is opportunity for reinvention, for rescue, for relief, for recovery! There is hope! There is help! There is life! James says, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." 

Call on God ... to help get you through your trials, to help you overcome the temptations ... to help you persevere! Call a friend, call a healthcare professional, a counselor, a pastor, a rabbi, a priest. There are resources in all communities that can help.

OK ... it's too late to go to bed now, but I think I can squeeze in a workout ... I think I'm going to SNAP! I'm gonna need some energy to get through this day!

Have a fantastic weekend!

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