Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Life/love is what we make it ...

  • Celebrate the blessings!
  • Give thanks for the trials ... God doesn't give you more than you can handle ... he has faith in you!
  • Love with your whole heart!
  • Share a hug today, and every day!
  • Make a long-over-due phone call or visit!
  • Remind someone how special they are!
  • Don't forget to love yourself, too ... God created you in His image, and He created you to be special! 
I am blessed with a wonderful, beautiful family ... husband, Mike who gave me daughters Kristian and Megan, son, Zach. We have a son-in-law, Brian, who loves our eldest, his wife ... we couldn't ask for better children!

Plus, we have an incredible extended family; lots of friends we are thankful are part of our lives, and a church family that we love, and most importantly, a God who loves us unconditionally!

Life really is good ...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

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