Sunday, February 5, 2012

Explosions of emotions ...

Has it happened to you?

Sometimes explosions of emotions just have to happen! And sometimes it begins before you realize it. It's a bit surreal ... in fact, more than a bit. Then you wonder ... oh, no, what WAS that? WHO was that? Then it hits you, in that very moment, OH NO ... THAT is ME! It's my voice, a bit shaky perhaps, yet strong at the same time. Yes, that's my arm waving, yet I can't seem to make it stop. Yikes! Did I just stomp my foot while trying to make a point?

Yes, a week ago today I had one of those very explosions ... you know when you care about something in your life so passionately that you just have to speak out! Perhaps you have been hanging on to thoughts and words for so long that once you let go, the words just keep spilling out of your mouth, and whether right or wrong, there seems to be no shut-off valve, no volume control, no censoring, no control, until you are at the point of exhaustion and then suddenly, with no warning, just as quickly as the words began flowing, they simply stop.

I turned from the microphone, abruptly, I think, and left. Today ... I felt some of the sting from last week's display; the repercussions of my actions from some, as a result of that emotional explosion. And I also felt love and community from others. And I felt strength and growth. I felt God and his presence in the connection and reconnection of others. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we can begin the re-building process. It's the way life works.

One of my friends reminded me that even Jesus overturned the tables in the tabernacles. Sometimes, we have to stir things up to help get the mix right. The first ingredient should always be God. Sometimes we forget that, thinking we can take care of everything all on our own. We cannot!

I remember taking a deep breath before I initially spoke. And I remember someone else was already talking before me as I marched to the microphone on the opposite side of the room. During that time I prayed for God to guide my words. Maybe He controlled the volume, did the censoring, and shut me down when He wanted me to be done! I know that I was in a room full of people I love, and I trust that God was right there with me, for I felt His presence and His strength.

When have you felt God's presence? God's strength? When was your last "Explosion of Emotions?" Would love to hear from you!

You can reach me via FB at Lisa Templeton Rigoni or on Twitter @LisaRigoni or via e-mail at

Have a fabulous week!


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