Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journey forward ...

Life is a journey, as you know. Mine is taking me into some exciting, new areas.

Writing - more regular blogging, beginning NOW, and working on the books, etc. Major deadline approaching quickly!!
Day job - Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives- taking on new and exciting programs and responsibilities - more business development! Love it ... excited to go to work every day!

PR with Purpose - redesign of website near completion. Mostly me now ... have to update content! Check it out, and watch the progression at
Running/fitness - training for an April 27 5k (Blessed by Brenna ...  in Urbana Champaing) and a June 10 half-marathon (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training) - North Shore, Chicago
Health -  getting back into the swing of things on the eating healthy front
Relationships - trying to connect better with friends/family/God. Life is all about relationships, personally and professionally ... more intentional, real ... not just surface stuff!

So much going on - and it's all good, really!

What is new in your life? Give me a shout! or find me on FaceBook, Lisa Templeton Rigoni or Twitter @LisaRigoni or LinkedIn at Lisa Rigoni

Have a fantastic day!

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