Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Impressed by tomorrow's leaders ...

Today was the Annual Youth Day in Springfield, hosted by the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives. Students from around the state, along with their chaperones from the electric cooperatives that serve them, visit Springfield with stops at the Capitol, Old State Capitol, Supreme Court and Presidential Museum. They get to meet with their Representatives and Senators, hear from Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon and Secretary of State Jessie White. It's a great learning experience with opportunities to ask questions, hear new information, make their voices heard!

These students are the cream of the crop and are vying for a place on the AIEC Youth to Washington Tour, in addition to learning about the Capital City. These students are some of tomorrow's leaders ... looks like we will be in good hands!

If you haven't been to these Springfield entities, you really should take time. I think I am going to take my Dad to the Presidential Museum for his birthday in April. Shhhh ... don't tell : )


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