Saturday, March 31, 2012

Writing can be ...

Theraputic ... get your mind off of other things.

Emotional ... depending on the topic at hand.

Personal ... if you are willing to open your heart and soul.

Exciting ... if you aren't afraid to write the truth, or if you are writing fiction and creating the truth.

Writing is the opportunity to tell a story, share a message. Could be your own story. Could be that of someone else. Could be the creation of characters in your mind.

The project, "Jane", that I am currently working on ... so meaningful.

For me, writing is about the people and their stories. Each one different than the next, yet so many things relevant from one story to the next.

Opening statement for "Jane", the book I am currently writing:

It may take a traumatic experience or even a threat to one’s life or to that of a loved one to learn valuable life lessons. That’s what it took for teacher, Jane Byram, to learn the toughest lessons she has ever experienced. Those lessons began with what could be likened to a classroom of unsuspecting students who were just told to clear their desks for a pop quiz.
            Only Jane was told to clear her life – she had acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). 

                                                                     Stay tuned!! 

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