Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New "Gadgets" on Blog Site

I'm trying to beef up my blog site by adding links and information that I find encouraging, helpful, interesting or that I have a personal or professional interest in myself. For example, today I have added links to my brother's and my stepdaughter's blogs. You may find them interesting, too, but selfishly I added them so I would remember to check them more frequently!

Other links I've added:
Carlinville Cavaliers Boys Basketball - Hubby's basketball team! ... My friend, Judy, makes bath and body products, tarts, etc. I love her lip balm, tarts and room sprays, especially! I'm sure you can find something, too. Be sure and tell her I sent you ... she doesn't know I've added her as a link! Hope I can send some business her way! - friends of mine, Matt & Marilyn, run this business ... its main purpose is relationship coaching. They have a beautiful retreat center ... pictures are included on their Web site. Mike and I attended the Introduction to Pairs so that I could experience what they did personally, as I do their newsletter and assist them in their marketing, etc. So, I can tell you first-hand, it is a great investment!
Joyce Meyer Ministries - great Christian author/speaker ... I just bought four of her books and have been watching her tv broadcasts (1/2 hour programs). She is funny, encouraging, direct ... a super role model ... I aspire to be like her when I grow up! LOL! - wonderful Christian author/speaker, as well as a great facilitator of communications and leadership workshops, seminars, etc. She is another woman who I would like to model myself after. She has served as a mentor on one of my writing projects ... very encouraging!!
Association for Women in Communications - I am president of the Springfield Chapter of AWC and serve in a couple of volunteer capacities with the National AWC organization.
Springfield Magazine - I do freelance writing for Springfield Scene!
Illinois Country Living Magazine and Association for Illinois Electric Cooperatives - This is where I spend most of my day hours. I am the Advertising Manager for the magazine, a publication of the association!
DeborahBedfordBooks - She is, hands down, my favorite fiction writer in the Christian genre.

This is all for now, though I plan to continue building and will eventually add my own Web site ... it's in the works, so stay tuned!

Blessings to you and yours in the New Year!

Go Cavies!!!

We just wrapped up the holiday tournament and the Carlinville Cavaliers won their last two games! Boy, did we need that ... the players, the coach, the coaches wife! They were good wins ... the team was playing hard!

One of my favorite things about going to see the Cavies play is the fans! They are excited, enthusiastic and encouraging, whether the team is winning or losing! They are committed and proud of their boys ... I love that!!

I also love watching my husband coach ... he is such an encourager and you can see the passion as he talks to his players ... very simply, he wants them to be better today than they were yesterday ... and that isn't just better basketball players ... he wants them to better young men, better students, better at all they attempt ... and well, being better basketball players doesn't hurt!

Blessings to all as we close out 2008 today!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Year in, Year out!

It is absolutely incredible that 2008 has almost come to an end! I will spend the next week reflecting on this past year and all that has transpired ... the good, the bad and the ugly ... as I am sure there is a bit of each!

At the same time, I will begin to set goals for the incoming year. I know there are things that I have yet to accomplish, but still plan on doing ... completing the book about Jane Byram, finishing my novel, "Stormy," and getting the devotion book, "Mums, Raspberries, Roses & Rainbows" underway with Leslie!

I would really like to simplify life in the coming year ... get rid of the clutter in my life, both literally (I am a packrat and need to clear the papers, the folders, the stacks) and figuratively (my mind is full of clutter and needs to be sifted through) so that I can think more clearly, which will allow me to complete some of the things in my life that I've been hanging on to for so long! Here's to 2008 and 2009!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Time flies!

Hard to believe it's almost Christmas! Life had been busy at the Rigoni's ... I'm busily getting ready for the Christmas services and productions at church, while Mike spends his time coaching and scouting! But both are activities we are passionate about!!

Kristian starts taking her finals today and I got to take her to school yesterday and today ... because the weather is so bad! Oh, well ... it's a bit of time to spend together ... though neither of us say too much ... unlike Mike, we are NOT morning people!!

Next week will be fun because all the kids will be home for Christmas! Praying weather between here and Minnesota will be OK for Megan and Brian to travel in!! Kristian, unfortunately, has to work on Christmas Eve! GRRRR!!! She was afraid to tell me, because she knows our Christmas Eve is one of my favorite family days ... sharing our appetizer feast, opening a gift before church, enjoying the Christmas Eve service as a family, then coming back home, eating more, sharing wine and grape juice, opening more gifts and simply sharing in the time together ... us, the kids and Mom and Dad! If Chuck could join us it would be perfect!!

Merry Christmas to all!!