Tuesday, October 25, 2011

writing about Jane Byram ... surviving leukemia!

Jane's story on surviving her battle with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia inspires me every time I work on it! On April 11, 2012, she will celebrate 10 years since she was officially diagnosed with this disease. She is blessed, for sure!

According to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, every four minutes, one person in the U.S. is diagnosed with a blood cancer ... leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma. Those new cases, were said to account for more than 9 percent of 1,529,560 new cancer cases diagnosed in the U.S. in 2010, alone.

Every 10 minutes, someone in the U.S. dies from a blood cancer. This statistic represents nearly 148 people each day, or more than six people EVERY HOUR!!

Jane is a phenomenal fighter, and organizations like the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society continue to make important strides in research and finding cures for all blood cancers.

Those are just a few notes of interest I wanted to share as I set the writing production schedule with actual dates. Here we go!

November 1: Have proposal updated with the new statistics from LLS; other information revised/updated completed and sent to "editors" & Jane to proof.
November 7: Have all book chapters completed, at least in draft form, sent to editors/Jane.
November 10/11: Edits back in hand, update manuscript as needed!
November 15: Complete edits/revisions, finalize manuscript
November 18: Mail/e-mail queries with sample chapters to would-be literary agents/publishers

I can write it. I can do the marketing/public relations. Jane and I can do talk shows, radio interviews, etc. Need a literary agent/publisher to back it. Endorsements.

Here's a small piece of the overview from the proposal. If you like reading it, and want to follow the story, I can start posting portions of the chapters, assignments, etc. Let me know what you think.

This manuscript, in any form or piece, is the work and creation of Lisa R. Rigoni.  The text, in part or whole, may not be reproduced, copied, distributed, or used in any way without the express permission of the author. Contact the author: Lisa R. Rigoni, 217-553-6781   Lisa_Rigoni@yahoo.com or LRigoni@prwithpurpose.net


It may take a traumatic experience or even a threat to one’s life or to that of a loved one to learn valuable life lessons. That’s what it took for teacher, Jane Byram, to learn five of the toughest lessons she has ever experienced. Those lessons began with what could be likened to a classroom of unsuspecting students who were just told to clear their desks for a pop quiz. Only Jane was told to clear her life – she had acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). Readers of Lesson Plans for Life will take a journey with Jane beginning in the days when she said, “It felt like I’d been hit with a two-by-four. I think God tried to get my attention in more subtle ways, but I didn’t listen. Do I think God caused me to have leukemia? Absolutely not! Do I think God has used my AML to help me better understand how to slow down, to really live? There is no doubt!”
As the lessons are outlined readers will see how Jane dealt with each at the beginning stages of her illness, and as a survivor continuing to deal with them today. Readers will go through emotional ups and downs with Jane, her friends and family. There will be laughter and tears. There will be personal and spiritual growth and emotional healing.
Jane has changed her focus, and others can do the same by applying what she has learned in these tough, life lessons. She was a teacher after all, who better to help people understand what she learned first-hand?
           The book is formatted so that readers may simply read it as a story of hope and encouragement or use it as a learning tool in personal study or in a small group setting. Each chapter includes personal interviews and testimony, scriptural and motivational references, as well as a set of topical questions or conversation starters to help facilitate meaningful thoughts and discussions.
Throughout Lesson Plans for Life readers will encounter some tough-life,
tough-love questions and hear solutions which they can implement into their own lives. Some they’ll like; some will hit too close to home, and might cause emotional discomfort. Those are the ones readers especially need to read, understand and apply to their personal situation.
Having leukemia helped Jane put life in perspective. Her hope is that those who
take time to go on this journey with her, by reading Lesson Plans, won’t have to endure anything so drastic as leukemia, or if a tragedy or crisis has already crashed into someone’s life, that she can encourage them to keep hoping and living! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

waiting ...

This is so NOT my best thing!! Sitting at Prairie Heart waiting for Mom's heart cath to be finished and to see what they find, if anything. She is so scared that it breaks my heart. I can't seem comfort her. I've reminded her that I'm praying, that her family is praying, that her small group is praying, that her church family is praying and that my FB friends are even praying. Honestly, she is surrounded!! That gets me through the waiting part. Hoping it will get her through as well!

Thought I would post, and then go back to my Bible study ... the lesson/focus is on obedience this week, and I am trying to be obedient, both to God & Mom, not always easy.

I also have work to do. Thankfully, I am travelling for work this Saturday for the Sustainable Energy Expo in Southern Illinois, so I will make up time then that I am losing today, even gain a little extra, likely.

Trusting that all will go well today, and maybe I'll get a workout in later this evening once I get Mom home and all settled in. Dad is at home and can take care of her then. If she has to be admitted for something, then we'll do what needs to be done, and I'll arrange my plans accordingly : )

OK ... back to the waiting!

Wishing you all a day of blessings!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday, Sunday ...

WOW! A Sunday morning, and I actually got to sleep in. Happily, I sing on the praise teams most weeks at Chatham Presbyterian Church. However, I had the week off because we have an amazing teen praise and worship team that led today's service. As a result, I didn't need to be there at 7 a.m., like most Sundays. Sauntered in around 9 a.m., visited with folks and then worshiped at the 9:30 service. 

After church I worked out and then spent the afternoon hanging out at Panera. Did my Bible study ... focus is on prayer and spending quiet time with God. I'm trying to do more of that!! Spent some time reading, writing & finishing up an overdue newsletter. 

Today I read Sarah Mackey's blog (www.SarahWMackey.com). This young woman amazes me each time I see the things that she is accomplishing. I would encourage you to follow her blog, as well. She is the executive director of Springfield's Habitat for Humanity, where she gets to make a difference every day in the lives of others. She is married to one of my favorite people, Brant Mackey, publisher of the Springfield Business Journal. She leads by example in our communities. She volunteers for organizations without hesitation and is a woman of strong moral character and integrity. She earned recognition recently for all that she has done as the recipient of the 2011 Athena Award. She takes initiative where/when needed. She is smart, impressive, for sure ... someone to watch!

Busy week ahead:

  • Working every day at AIEC/Illinois Country Living
  • Workouts every day at Snap Fitness
  • First Place 4 Health Small Group Monday evening.
  • Mom to doctor for lab work Tuesday and heart cath on Wednesday
  • Preparing to lead the large group kid's Sunday School time for next Sunday
  • IWIL program and AIEC Board Meeting on Thursday
  • Springfield Scene profile
Wishing you a fabulous week!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Making choices ...

Sounds easy, until you say, making good choices vs. bad choices ... not quite as easy. It's a matter of knowing what you need vs. what you want. Surprising, I know, but those two things do not always line up. The new small group I am taking part in helps to make those decisions easier, at least for me. Knowing that others are looking to me for guidance also helps me in making better, more right choices.  Harder to encourage others if you aren't doing the things you recommend yourself!

For example ... I have gotten my butt out of bed every day this week, so far, and gone to Snap to get my workouts in BEFORE I come into the office. It's done. I have more energy, and honestly, it helps me make better food choices throughout the day, too. I am not getting up at 5 ish every day to then blow my hard work on something edible that I know is counter productive. Is that to say I won't have a treat once in a while ... absolutely not! I love my sweets as much as the next person, and a salty snack, too. However, I am more aware of the portion, and then don't beat myself up for having it. That all seems good to me!

Something to make you laugh:
I have been trying to get in at least a 45 minute workout each morning, including at least 30 minutes of cardio, starting on the arc trainer at Snap Fitness. Sometimes I do all 30 minutes, or a little more, just on that. Today, I wasn't motivated to keep going, so after 16 minutes, I decided to move to the next thing. Saw that the Kickboxing, advanced level, was running on the Video On-Demand screen, so decided to join it in progress. About five minutes into it, I was winded, but excited that I was keeping up. Then the gal says, "OK, great warm-up! Let's get started!" GREAT WARM-UP??! Are you kidding me?! I kept going until I had a total of 14 minutes to add to my initial 16 minutes on the arc trainer for the total 30 minutes of cardio, and then moved to my regular ab workout. Whew! It's all good! And I did something new!!

Headed to Applebee's for dinner tonight with hubby! Love their tropical paradise chicken salad ... hope it's not a seasonal menu item : )

Have a fabulous evening and weekend ... make good choices!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New beginings ...

Today I did a new workout ... Latin Hip Hop via Snap Fitness' Video On Demand! I have a hunch I'll be feeling new aches and pains tomorrow in places that I forgot existed. But it's all good! Last Thursday I did an hour on the arc trainer, burned 735 calories and was very proud of that. Didn't really "feel" it the next day, but know that it was beneficial. Did arc trainer on Friday and Saturday, too, only 30 to 45 minutes, plus other workout stuff. Today I started on the arc trainer, but in 15 minutes was bored ... you'll have those days. Since there was no-one else around (that could be watching and making fun of me) I decided to try the dance video. It was awesome! Funny, I did keep watching the door to see if anyone was watching ... LOL! Not that anyone would even have any interest in watching what I was doing ... although, everyone needs a good laugh once in a while.

Other new beginnings:
I am participating in (NaNoWriMo) National Novel Writers Month Roadmap Workshop starting today. This is my opportunity to get my novel laid out and be ready to get it written and finalized by the end of November, which is actually National Novel Writer's Month. I need the extra push, in general, and since I am having surgery the day before Thanksgiving, my NaNoWriMo will be cut eight days short. Still working on the "Jane" book, too. The publication deadline for that one is March : )

First Place 4 Health Small Group - starts tomorrow ... 11 people signed up, plus me! Looking forward to leading and participating in this group : )

Have a blessed week!!