Saturday, July 26, 2008

Laughter ... we all need a good dose of it!

Last night I went with Judy, Rachie and Hillary to see "Urinetown" in Rochester! It was great ... a bit warped, a bit off-color, and sooooo funny! I think Mike and the kids would actually like it and maybe appreciate it even more than me. I found myself laughing like I hadn't done in a while. And boy did it feel good!!

Mike and Kristian are just leaving Minnesota. He drove up yesterday to get her. Kristian went back with Megan and Brian on Monday and has been there visiting all week! Can't wait to here about her week!

Weigh-in was good this week ...down 2.8! Yeah! Gotta start somewhere. I don't anticipate every week will be that good, but I'm excited that the number was significant this week. Makes it easier to want to exercise and eat right. I'm really watching the portions, too : ) I'm giving myself one day a week to eat what I want!! That helps, as I don't feel so deprived! Tried yoga & pilates this week. Really liked the pilates. Just rented a DVD from Family Video. I think I'm going to buy a pilates dvd today ... I liked it best. I also did two two-mile walks ... hope to increase that number in the coming weeks. Would like to start making it part of my a.m. routine. Have been so exhausted (for no apparent reason) lately, that I've had trouble getting out of bed, much less getting up earlier for a walk!

We'll make that the goal for next week ... early to rise for a two-mile walk daily!

Here's to a new day and new opportunities!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Family ...

As I was growing up, our family was always very close ... I don't just mean my brother, Mom and Dad, though we were and are. I mean my Grandma/Grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins, especially on my Mother's side! She has four sisters and a brother, each of them had a spouse and there were tons of us cousins! We would gather at Grandma and Grandpa's for holidays, special occasions, and most importantly on regular days! We would eat together, play together, go to church together! We laugh, cry, and love! We still do ... and we still surround each other in prayer!!

In the last few years we have gathered only twice for family reunions as we are spread all across the United States. The cool thing is ... when we do gather, we seem to be able to pick up as if time and space had not separated us. I love that!! And I miss all of those gatherings!

Tonight I'm a bit reflective because my Uncle Dean is sick and I want to be around for him, my cousins and especially my Aunt Bernice! They live in Georgia ... I did call Aunt Bernice tonight though to let her know that they are in my thoughts and prayers! Wish I could reach out and give her a big hug!!

Family ... let them know how much you love them!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quick thoughts ...

Life is precious ... treasure it! One of my best friends, Thornton, lost his Mom suddenly this week. It has been hard on their family because their love for her was so strong ... especially hard for T's wife, Judy. She was especially close to her ... I know she is hurting! The positive is that they know Mom is in a better place and she was a devoted Christian.

Health matters ... Had a doctor appointment last week! Yuck! Obese was the word that was gently whispered ... by looking at me, it's easy to tell I'm overweight, one likely wouldn't say obese, though (or maybe they would!) ... that's what the BMI, scale and frankly, my clothes are all screaming. I'm trying to take it seriously this time ... portion control ... some of my friends at work today were especially encouraging as I ate my WW lunch : ) I so appreciated that! They said they are going to do their best to encourage me through a three-week period ... takes 21 days to make a habit, you know!

Exercise is key ... last night I walked about 3 miles with a friend. We'll be kickboxing, soon, too! Looking forward to it!

God is always great ... even in the downtimes! I'm so thankful I have Him to lean on, cry to, share with!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My brother, shoes, kick-boxing and walks!

My brother was in for a visit over the holiday weekend! Always good to see him ... though we didn't end up having a lot of time together. Sadly, we spent the most time together at Shoe Carnival picking out a new pair of running shoes for me, so I can get this body moving. That isn't the sad part, of course. The sad part is that I had him go to the Shoe Carnival ... he is a manager of the one where he lives in Louisiana. So, during his vacation time, of all places, I drag him shoe shopping.

On the upside (well for me) he was so helpful. He has worked for the company for the better part of 21 years and knows his stuff. When I tried on a shoe, and described how it felt he would tell me why, and move me to the next shoe. After about 6 to 10 pairs (give or take) I finally found the right fit. I'm not sure he realizes how important this pair of shoes is for me! I need something to help motivate me to better health. And I'm sure he could tell by looking at me that I need to get moving! And I have ... took the dog for a walk yesterday. My friend and I had planned to walk tonight after work, but it's been storming/raining since 4:30. We've already scheduled a walk for Thursday night. I'll be out of town for work this weekend, so will not get to do a fitness walk Saturday, though I will be walking around a couple of wineries for a story. Perhaps on Sunday after church and before small group we can get our long walk in!

Next week, we're starting kick-boxing!! WooHoo! Last time I did that I loved it and it helped get me in shape.

OK .. that's enough babbling for now : )

Have a fantabulous week!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Let Your Life Count ...

One of my best friends gave me a copy of Donna Partow's book titled "Let Your Life Count." I've been reading through it and trying to apply some of her advice. She also has a Web site and I signed up for 90-day renewal ... so I recieve an e-mail each day to encourage me. Very cool! I like the site and am getting so much out of the book that I purchases another of her books. It's call "Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be." It is another 90-day journey to putting your priorities in the proper perspective dealing with mind, body and soul!! Today is Day 6 and so far it is wonderful. I've written my Personal Vision Statement; set up a prayer area in my home office for daily devotions; trying to memorize scripture and pray by using scripture. I am finding that it is all very powerfull.

Today, as I showered and continued to pray I had this overwhelming sense of God's presence washing over me, literally. It was so incredible! I just knew He was encouraging me to let go of any baggage that I have let settle into my life. He took the negative at that moment and again, literally washed it down the drain!!!

I want my life to count for my family, my friends, myself, and most importantly for God. This newest 90-day journey is based on Proverbs 31. I am going to work more diligently toward that type of woman. I am already feeling better about life, self, relationships, purpose, etc. Life is good, because God is great!!

Be sure and thank God for your blessings today! I know that I am thankful!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Nice to get a compliment on parenting ...

... and I was thanked, complimented twice yesterday. Kristian asked me to stop and pick up a library book for her that came in (off of her lengthy request list), and to renew a couple of other books for her. When I asked the librarian to renew her books she started to just update all the books. I smiled knowing that that would take a little bit ... Kristian had recently requested 44, yes I said 44 books. She looked at me and said, "Ah, a reader! Good job, Mom!" I responded saying that libraries had always been part of her life, that we enjoyed reading! She said, "Well, I am a retired school teacher and it is great to see a teenager who actually likes to read!"

I'll give my Mom and Dad a lot of that credit! Reading was always encouraged at our house growing up. And they took care of Kristian in her very early years, so she was exposed to books not only at home, but with Grandma and Grandpa, too!! YAY!!!

The other comment I got was a thanks! Kristian was to go to Warp Tour in St. Louis today. She initially was going with friends from school. That didn't pan out, so she found out her brother was going and was catching a ride there with him, but he was planning to stay at least over night, and likely he would go out with his friends ... who are 21 and up, for the most part. Kristian is 16, so that wasn't going to work.

She bumped into a friend of a friend who was going. The friend, a guy a year or two older than her, and his brother, 23, and would be driving. They said they would bring her home. I don't know these boys, but we have friends from church who did know them. So, I sent an e-mail, explained the situation and asked if they would be comfortable with Kristian riding home with these two. The response I got was "Totally comfortable." Whew!!! Then I called the parents. I talked to the Dad, said I wanted to make sure he knew the boys offered her a ride. He said he did know. That was a good start. I mentioned the family that I had talked to that had complimented the boys. We had a nice conversation, I thanked him for allowing them to have her ride with them, and he thanked me for caring enough to call and check out the situation before allowing her to go.

You know it's those things that we, as parents, should do regularly. Check on our kids. Know who they are hanging out with. Know where they are going. Be a "big brother?" I don't think so. Just let them know they are loved and we care about what they are doing and with whom. Do I think we are perfect parents? Heavens no! But yesterday was sure a positive in that area : )

Ask your kids what they did today? With whom? What made it a good/bad day? They might even give you more than a "fine," "ok" or "I don't know." The more you ask, the better chance you'll have of gettting a more detailed answer once in a while : )