Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Everyone has issues ...

When I think about the things in my life that I sometimes worry about ... health, finances, relationships, etc., there are often issues in the lives of those around me that seem so much more significant.

My best friend's father-in-law passed away yesterday. She has recently had to put her father in a nursing home so that he would receive the care he needed. And they have two small children to care for in the middle of it all.

My boss' 10-year old dog got sick suddenly, and now he has to decide whether surgery is the best route or whether it will be best to put him down. Anyone who has pets knows they become a "human-like" part of the family. So the decision will not be an easy one.

And I recently found out that someone I interviewed for a magazine profile who said that her son was the light of her life has learned that at only 11 years old, has a rare childhood cancer. I can't even imagine how she must feel.

Another close friend is trying to stop smoking; another is dealing with job issues; my Mom is facing another surgery; my Dad is unhealthy and won't face it or take care of himself. Issues everywhere ... we all have 'em!

So, as I have told a couple of folks lately ... the cool thing is no matter what our issues are, whether we think they are big or small, God doesn't see them as we do. He handles all of them in the same manner. He sees each of us as important, as well as the cares and burdens we carry, and He celebrates our victories with us, too!

He is an awesome God and I'm glad He walks with me and is willing to handle my "issues." Allow Him to handle yours, too!!

Wishing you a day full of blessings!


Monday, August 18, 2008

School Days, School Days ...

It was obvious at our house this morning that today was the first day of school : )

I got up, normal time, went for my walk ... 2 miles today.

Came home ... Mike had already gotten up and was ready for his first day, just finishing up breakfast and then he headed out.

I was in the back of the house after my shower and heard the front door open ... thought perhaps Mike forgot something ... nope ... it was Zach! Wanted to know if the shirt he had on (for his first day of work ... at Chatham Elementary) was wrinkled enough to need ironed : ) I had him throw it in the dryer with a damp towel.

Then I headed downstairs to wake Kristian up at the appointed 7 a.m. hour ... an hour she hasn't seen in some time! Surprisingly, she woke up in a good mood, talked to me and everything : )

Back up stairs to gather all of my things so I could go to work. As I left, Kristian was getting her keys out and getting ready to leave; Zach was having a bowl of cereal while waiting for his shirt. Buddy (our yellow lab) was looking confused ... why in the world was Kristian up and moving, Zach visiting at this bizarre a.m. hour and Daddy already gone.

Love having my family up and moving in the a.m. The hustle and bustle is good ... and everyone having their day's purpose ahead of them!!!

How was your family's first day of school?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to school!

Ahhh, back to school time! Well, for Mike & Kristian, anyway : ) We'll have some adjusting to do this week, as school starts for both of them tomorrow.

In preparation, mine and Mike's Friday night date night was a visit to the mall for some school clothes ... at least the start of his school clothes. He's excited because it's mostly going to be t-shirts and shorts : ) Remember, he is a P.E. teacher/coach! He'll also be teaching behind the wheel for Driver's Ed. Afterwards, we met friends for dinner ... beer and pizza at a local Italian restaurant ... we had fun! Note to self: Need to make an effort to get together with friends more often!!

Saturday was the day to get the rest of Kristian's school clothes. It was fun, too! And, when Kristian and I shop, it usually begins as a fun outing, but typically doesn't end that way. Yesterday, we went to the mall ... hit one store ... then got her ears pierced (again ... this is the fourth time, I think.) She has very sensitive ears so they usually get infected. We've tried Titanium this time ... hopefully, it will work! After we finished shopping she said "Mom, we should go see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 tonight. So, not only did she want to go shopping with me (I offered to give her money and just let her call a friend to go. ... she said she wanted to go with me!) but she wanted to actually hang out later, too!! YAY!!! It has been a great weekend! Hopefully, that will lead into a great week!!!

So proud of youth at church!

WOW!!! A group of our teenagers led the worship service at church today! It was phenomenal because it came for their hearts and was genuine. There was singing and drama that touched hearts in a big way ... at least it did mine ... and I saw others crying, too. There were video testimonies and even the message was given by one of the teens. Four teens also stood out front ready to accept people who wanted to come up front and pray with them. It was an amazing service. I'm sure that God was pleased. You know it's so often that rather than us leading the youth, we should allow them more freedom to lead us!! They talked about God being our rock, our fortress, our salvation, and how He is there for us to lean on, and how temptation is part of our lives, but that if we just ask He will help bring us out of the muck and will forgive us! They even gave each of us a rock with a cross drawn on it as a reminder that God is our rock! Way cool!! Way to go Chatham Presbyterian teens! You rock!!!

This was also the day that our third graders received their Bibles. It seems not that long ago that the teens who led worship today were getting their third grade Bibles. Thornton and I just talked about that very thing the week prior as we looked around and noticed so many of our teen helpers for VBS were those that 8 years ago (when me and my family started going to CPC) were the same "kids" that we were leading in song and VBS so many years ago.

It also seems not that long ago when I stood up front at First Presbyterian Church in Calvert City, Ky. receiving my third grade Bible. I still have it! It's red and worn. It's been highlighted, written in. I've noted verses that spoke to me. I've made notations as to dates of sermons or small group studies. I still have it and perhaps, I'll get that one out and read it this week. Review the notes I have in it. See the thoughts I've had through the years. Invite God to talk with me as I read through it.

Thursday 2.5 miles
Friday 2.5 miles
Sat. - 2 miles

Life is good!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Walking and lovin' it!

Sunday night - 4 miles
Monday and Tuesday a.m. - 2 miles each a.m.
Wednesday - 3 miles this a.m.

It just feels good!! YAY!! Makes me wonder why I've put it off for so long! Must be the lack of the MP3 player! Now I can listen to my music or my writing podcasts, and pray! The time goes quickly : )

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

It has been a good b-day! Mike got me an MP3 player and gave it to me on Saturday (birthday wasn't until Tuesday). He knew that I wanted one so that when I walk by myself I can listen to my music and my podcasts. He even already had much of my stuff downloaded for me!! Way cool!!

It was a great day ... my co-workers brought treats and cards and well wishes. And it wasn't even that they brought treats, but that they worked hard to ensure they were all healthy, because they know I'm trying to be better about what I eat!

At VBS many folks wished me happy birthday and my best buddy (Thornton) brought me a birthday cake, a bottle of wine, and a silly card. It made me laugh! My other best buddy (Tom) called and sang happy birthday to me, and sent me a pretty e-birthday! I also got a lot of b-day cards in the mail from friends!!

My son called and wished me a good b-day and we chatted for a while! AND my brother called and left me voicemail the day before my birthday because he knew he would be working a long day on the actual day, and then sent me a text message on Tuesday! Very sweet!

It's so nice to be loved : )

I'm looking at the birthday as my New Year! I've been trying to make one change at a time to better take care of myself. I have cut Diet Coke out of my diet! I'm drinking water and an occasional glass of iced tea, sans sweetner/sugar! It's only been a week, but hey, when drinking as much Diet Coke as I did, a week without it, and even during VBS, I'm considering it an accomplishment!!

OK ... headed out for a walk with Kristin (friend from work!) It's a beautiful night ... it's a beautiful New Year!! I am so blessed!!

Loving life!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I love my job and what it allows me in life!

I have a great job that I love! I enjoy the people I work with, the varied duties of the actual job and the opportunities I have to grow through those opportunities. I also love the flexibility I have as it allows me to serve in other areas of my life that are sooooo important to me ... namely, taking care of my family and serving in my church!

Tomorrow I get to take the day off so that I can register Kristian for her junior year of school! I can hardly believe she's only got two more years of high school!! Where has the time gone?? The fun part, is I think she is actually ready to go back ... we'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts!!!

I also get to spend much of my day at church getting ready for one of my favorite weeks of the year ... Vacation Bible School!!!! I always have fun watching the kids learn about God/Jesus! Seeing the light go on in their eyes and hearing them sing the songs and do the motions that we teach them ... it's going to be COSMICTASTIC this year! You can check it out at

OK ... have some work to do before I can go to bed!!

Catch ya later : )