Thursday, October 30, 2008

Update on Mom ...

Resting! YAY!! I stopped in this a.m. to see Mom before work and stayed for about 40 minutes or so. She was sound asleep and didn't even know I was there. I talked to her overnight nurse and she said she slept well throughout the night, too, and that her blood pressure had remained stabilized. YAY!! Her headache was still lingering, but Mom didn't want additional pain medication for it, so it must not be too bad! Again ... YAY!!

I am not spending the night at the hospital as I did last year. Not because I don't care or don't love her ... quite the opposite! I don't want her to be too comfortable ... we want her to come home much sooner this time than she did last time! I'm stopping in before work, and going in after work to visit. I may swing by at lunch today since she wasn't awake this a.m. Have to play it by ear, depending on the work schedule, of course : )

Must get to work ...will update again later!

Have a terrific Thursday : )

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mom in surgery today!

We thought she was going to come home without having the surgery. They had a lot of trouble finding a vein anywhere to put her IV in today. So she was sure she should be going home instead of into surgery. Then they brought in one more person ... he's been doing this for 42 years, found a vein, hooked her up, started the drip and rolled her into ER. We arrived at 5 a.m., they started admitting her pretty quickly and we were right on schedule for her 7:30 a.m. surgery. Of course they called me in the waiting room at 9 and said they were just getting started. It's gonna be a long day!

Dad is here, too. He's reading a book and I'm going to get some work done. Chuck wanted to be here, but couldn't get away. We'll be talking off and on all day! Have already chatted twice. Have called and talked to my cousin Tim and close friend of the family, Waneta. Aunt Bernice and Uncle Dean were already in town for his radiation treatments.

Thornton has already called to check on Mom. Joe (our pastor) has already e-mailed me to check on her, and of course, Leslie (best friend from Ky). I know that she is surrounded by prayer from not only our church family, but Leslie's, Mom's sisters' church families, cousins and their church families, my co-workers and on and on!

Here are a couple of God sightings to start the day ... when the first nurse came in to draw blood Mom of course, said "Good luck," knowing that it was so hard to find veins on her. The nurse found a vein on the first stick, drew the three tubes of blood and when finished said "Thank you, Jesus!" I took that as a great sign. The second nurse tried to find a vein for her IV ... to no avail. Said, well, God has a plan, doesn't he. Again, I relaxed ... though Mom was still focused on the fact they couldn't get an IV in.

She was taken down to holding in the OR area and three (I think) nurses, male and female tried to find a vein for the IV and couldn't. The last one that tried, looked at her arm, said I'll be right back. Came back with the needles and other tools, and said, "I'm gonna try." So, he knelt beside her, tapped her arm, near her wrist and closed his eyes several times. I sincerely believe he was praying. Dad said he noticed that, too. He is the one who found the vein that worked.

I just pray that everything goes well throughout the rest of the day and that they come out with great news that all went perfectly and she is on the mend!!

We were told probably 7 to 10 days hospital recovery time. Mom is hoping for three to five : ) Hopefully, her optimistic attitude will help in her healing!

Will check in later! Gotta get some work done!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Biggest Losesr ...

If only I had the drive that the contestants on the show have. I had a good weigh-in this week, but not like the ones these people have. Of course, it would also help to be able to focus on your workouts and eating 100% without worrying about the rest of life.

That said ... I'm thankful that I have a life to worry about and to enjoy. A husband who adores me, kids who love me. Mom/Dad and brother who love me ... friends who care about me. A job to go to and a wonderful church family which I get to be a part of. Life is really good!

Finances are starting to shape up! I highly recommend Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University! It has been helping us greatly with communication and prioritization. Again ... life is good!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Amazing week ...

It has been an amazing week of working on "Lesson Plans" (the working title of the biography I am writing about my friend Jane ... a Leukemia survivor.) Wednesday I got to meet her oncologist during one of Jane's many follow-up visits. Today I got to go and interview Dr. Bretscher. She is amazing and has one of the most caring hearts I've seen a doctor display! We had a great conversation about Jane and her insight will add greatly to the book.

Tomorrow I am doing a post-retirement interview with Jane. Next Tuesday evening I am interviewing Sarah ... a young woman from our church who is a Lymphoma survivor. Jane helped mentor her through all the various steps of battling cancer. I know her story will be a blessing to the book as well.

I'm gearing up for the emotional exhaustion that the writing of this book ignites. Tomorrow I will transcribe interviews. Starting on Sunday I will begin a regular writing routine, begin a habit of writing something every single day. If God truly does want this book I know He will provide the words as they flow to the page, the strength to continue when I am emotionally drained and the will to flesh out the other two chapters I have started ... one is done ... two others are almost completed. There are at least two additional ones to be written as well. So, here go. Tonight I'll do some re-reading so I'll be prepared to visit with Jane tomorrow.

It's going to exciting! She is a miracle and I am privileged that I get to tell her story : )

Blessings to all!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Random questions!

  • What do you do when someone you care about is hurting emotionally and you feel helpless?
  • How do you know what God's purpose for you is ... for sure?
  • Why is it so hard to keep priorities straight?
  • Who do you listen to when you are pulled in so many different directions?
  • When does life get easier?
  • How do you make people understand you love them every day, even if you don't visit or call every day ... and shouldn't the visiting and phone calls work both ways?
  • Why are some people harder to please than others?
  • How do you address the tough issues with those you care about most?
  • GRRRR!!! Why so many questions? All rhetorical, too, I suppose!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Connecting with others ... the circle of life!

Someone I talked with this week referred to life as a circle ... I loved that! Her reference was in reference to the way we start in one place with different people and often end up, maybe not in the same place, but with the same people touching our lives. I had two such encounters just this week.

Both were as a result of freelance interviews I did. The first was the office manager at the organization where I was interviewing the Executive Director. Betsey and I had done some training together for a marathon with the Team in Training program for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society a few years ago. She was participating in memory of her daughter who had lost the battle with cancer. I was participating in honor of three women from my church who had these blood cancers. All of them are fortunate in that they are survivors! Jane's story I am writing a book about. She and I had just scheduled two interviews ... a post-retirement interview with her so that I can get an update for the book. The second with her and her oncologist, who just happen to have an appointment next week. I'll be meeting her Doctor and will set up a separate appointment to visit with her about Jane's battle. The "chance" meeting with Betsey just affirmed the fact that I need to stay on task with this book.

The second was contact with the CEO of a women's shelter locally. I had interviewed her a few years ago for our local business journal after a tornado had ripped through the shelter. I had been meaning to contact her over the last few years to see if she would serve as a resource for a novel I am writing where the main character finds herself in an abusive relationship. Coincidentally, (I think not) I was asked to do profile on her for another publication. After the official interview for the profile piece, I mentioned the novel and asked if she would be willing to read a portion of it and if she would consider being a resource. She didn't even hesitate when she answered "Yes."!

Sometimes God knows our good intentions ... and finds a way to intervene to insure we are talking to, seeing, meeting the right people ... to give us just a little nudge in the right direction.

I am thrilled that He put me back in the path of these women to remind me how important it is to tell these stories, along with the devotion book that Leslie and I are collaborating on regarding connections! He has placed all of these writing projects in my heart! I am honored, and I'm making each of them a priority!

Who is in your circle? What are your priorities? Things to consider!


Monday, October 6, 2008


A son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?' The father who, despite having a heart condition, says 'Yes'. They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father always saying 'Yes' to his son's request of going through the race together. One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let's join the Ironman together.'

To which, his father said 'Yes' .

For those who didn't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever. The race encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride, and ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of the Big Island

Father and son went on to complete the race together. View this

Click Here to View the View of the duo.

I can!

Reminding myself that, Yes, I can do the things that I've continued to say I would do:
  • Be a better wife, mom, stepmom, daughter, sister, friend, employee, freelancer ... always working on these ... and so many others!
  • Exercise/Eat right ... I'm already back on track ... joined WW and Snap Fitness! I know it will be a slow/tough process, with ups and downs ... but it will be totally worth it ... I'm already feeling better!
  • Write Jane's story ... so many things have been swirling in my head for this story that must be told. I have new interviews set up and moving forward!!!
  • Write MRRR with Leslie ... a book of devotions, stories related to connecting with others through good and bad times!
  • Write "Stormy" ... the novel I have in progress ... I'll get there!
  • Get financially fit ... in progress! Taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course through our church. I don't know that we'll be able to do everything he suggests, but we are already making positive strides in the right direction.
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!