Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Motivation ... Inspiration!

Sunday I had a fabulous workout! I needed it ... a kickstart to a new phase of health & fitness. Was excited to have people signing up for the FirstPlace4Health program that I'll be leading at church starting Oct. 3. To me, that is a huge responsibility ... I want to motivate and inspire others to get healthy ... with that comes making sure I am not just talking the talk, but walking the walk!

I have decided that I have to workout on a more regular basis. Have been making all kinds of excuses over the last few months. Too tired. Don't feel good. Arm hurts. Too busy. Leg is cramping. Will do it tomorrow. If it's an excuse, I have uttered it and used it.

After my great workout Sunday, I dragged myself out of bed and went to Snap to do my workout before work both Monday and today ... my energy level both days has been so much higher! Have been more alert, more productive, more driven. Took my lunch both days, too ... healthier than eating out, for sure. And it gives me time to walk at lunch, too ... another 1/2 hour of cardio and bonus ... I get to visit with friends I work with!

Legs are sore, added squats and lunges this a.m., plus did my abs stuff. So excited for the results that will surely follow the hard work and better eating habits : ) And let's just put it out there ... was 147.4 on the scale yesterday. I'm only 5'2" ... and any little bit of extra weight I add back on shows. I'm 10 lbs up from where I was a few months ago, and it's simply because I haven't been puttin' forth the effort. Let's see where we go, 'cause I am putting the effort and the time in now!

Oh, yeah ... I'm watching the number on the scale, but it IS NOT the only thing I am taking into account as I track the success I want to have. Took my measurements too, and will track how my clothes fit. Plus, already having that energy level climbing back up is helping me spend more time in devotions and working on my writing projects. I am so thankful for the good health God has given me. All of these factors are major parts of my journey. You ready to take the journey with me?

Wishing you roses n rainbows, health and wellness!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Serving an awesome God

It's so exciting when you can actually see and feel God moving in and among the people of His church ... through your church family and your community! That's what is happening at/through Chatham Presby, and it is exciting!

I am pleased that we have people signing up for the First Place 4 Health Small Group that begins Monday, Oct. 3. I pray that it will be a life-changing experience for folks, including me!  All are welcome ... let me know if you are interested in joining!

We have one of our young adults also offering a small group opportunity on Monday nights, starting Oct. 3. Praying that God sends people to each group who will connect with one another and most importantly will connect with Him through these groups.

Leading by example is one of the things that I take seriously. Knowing that I get to lead this small group has encouraged me to kick my workouts up a notch, plus I am more aware of my attitude, thoughts, actions and what I am eating. Yay, God!! What I don't want to be seen as is the "food police!" That is so not the goal and not the role of the FP4H leader or of the small group, in general. This study is sooooo much more than food-focused ... that is part of why I am so excited about it!

Had a great workout after church today, then enjoyed taco salad with fresh tomatoes (likely the last of the season), and then went for a walk with friend, on this overcast, breezy Sunday. Thought I'd take time to update my blog, go to church later to pick up my small group materials so I can do some studying and then come back home to review the materials a bit more and get some writing done (if my stupid arm will allow it).

What are you doing on this Sunday afternoon/evening?

Wishing you rainbows n roses!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Insomnia ...

I suppose insomnia isn't all bad. I've caught up on (most) e-mails. Doing Bible study. Getting some writing done. Thinking 'bout life. Hope I still feel the same tomorrow while at work : )

At least Thursday is my Friday ... I am off Friday. Planning on writing all morning, and then Kristian and I will be attending the "Home for the Holidays" Avon event in Springfield to check out all the new holiday products! Should be fun, and I get to spend the afternoon with my baby girl : ) YAY!

Have a beautiful Thursday!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept. 11 - 10 years later - priorities

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. It has been all over the news. I would venture to guess that everyone has thought about it over the last few weeks, and today, the actual anniversary, was certainly no exception. There were even more people in church today ... our mortality sometimes gets to us ... especially when there are events and things that bring that mortality to light. It touches hearts and makes us stop and hopefully, explore our priorities. That's what I am doing today ... exploring priorities. Reviewing tonight ... begin applying tomorrow!!

Health - applying the First Place4Health principles of health/wellness for emotional, spiritual, mental and physical life balance in preparation of leading the program at church!
      Emotional (heart) - make sure your feelings are based on fact and are not destructive
      Spiritual (soul) - giving control to God, applying scripture to daily life
Mental (mind) - have the right attitude, feed your mind positive, uplifting, encouraging food for

      Physical (body) - Live-it food program (not DIE-it ... I love that!) & working out
Writing - multiple projects to be done
     Jane's story (book about friend who is leukemia survivor) - goal is to write 1000+ words  
     minimum a day beginning tomorrow, 9/12!
     Mums, Raspberries, Roses n Rainbows devotional book - work on it at least twice a week,
     Stormy (novel). Same as MRRR.
     Blog - update 3 to 5 times a week.

Will be focusing primarily on Jane's book so that it can be completed. Search is on for an agent and/or publisher. Some chapters are already finished!!

Work - Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives/Illinois Country Living
     Developing strategic sales plans, focusing on relationship building with new and existing clients,
     business development and revenue generation!

Work - PR with Purpose
    Casting vision, re-visiting mission for, this, my own business.

Work - Avon
     Honeslty, I do this because it's fun! I enjoy the products, and I love that it's something Kristian 
     and I do together. In fact, we get to go to the Home for the Holidays event together this Friday.

And, of course, I will continue to make loving my family and friends a major priority! They mean the world to me!!!

Have a fit and fantastic week!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

FirstPlace Bible Study-Wellness program

I am exploring the possibility of offering the FirstPlace program at Chatham Presbyterian. I've been so excited about getting in shape from the inside-out, that I would like the opportunity to help others do the same. This program is Bible-based and focuses on the complete person -- mental, spiritual, physical and emotional sides of who we are! I LOVE THAT ... Life Balance!

So, is my life in complete balance? Heaven's no, but I know what is out of balance, so that's a good start to getting it all together, right?! And I think doing so with others would be awesome! I'm targeting the beginning of October for the start time, and at this point, Mondays or Tuesdays are looking like the best evening.

In the meantime, I am reading the books, reviewing the materials, exploring the websites and getting ready to order the updated leaders kit ... getting so excited!!! I've missed leading a small group, and I'm feeling God's nudge on this one, specifically! Want to join me on the journey?

Have a fit & fabulous week!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

What if?

This was the title of today's message, given by Brian Durbin at church today! Certainly food for thought! One of the things I am very good at, but working hard to correct, is asking that "What if?" question in a negative manner. You know the drill:

What if I try something new and fail?
What if I let someone down by saying 'No.'
What if I don't measure up, and someone doesn't like me?
What if I can't complete the riduculous, mostly self-imposed, to-do list?
What if I miss my devotion time? My family time? My church family time? Time with friends? My workout?

Time to rephrase and rethink the 'What if?' in a way that brings out the positive!!

What if I try something new and find success?
What if I bless someone else by saying 'No' and thereby open opportunities for them?
What if I think about measuring up in God's eyes, instead of man's?
What if I give my best and accomplish all that I can for Christ?
What if I spend more time with God in devotion and meditation and it energizes and blesses my life?
What if I spend quality time with my family and friends and find that we enjoy each other?
What if I serve my church family better in quality, not always just in quantity?
What if I get in at least a short workout and remember that God also says we need rest?

But wait there's more!!
What if I trust God for everything?
What if I have and share hope for the future?
What if I do what God has called me to do?
What if I share God's message of faith, combine it with fitness & wellness through personal training & encouragement, motivational speaking and help create healthier people from the inside out?

What if I count my blessings today? Oh wait, I already did that, and life is Ahhhh-mazing!!!

One of my friends posted today on FB:  
Five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less.

Have a fit & fabulous day!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

You are stronger than you think!

Ever have moments where you just aren't sure you actually can do something? You want to, but there is that nagging little bit of doubt, you aren't sure you are strong enough, or that you'll have the stamina to finish ... so you don't even try? Well, I am so over that mindset, and I would encourage you to join that school of thought ... especially if it's something positive, something good for you.

For example ... if you've read Mike Rigoni's latest blog, mikerigoni.blogspot.com, he talked about the change-up in his workouts, and the inclusion of spin classes, which are now available on demand at Chatham Snap Fitness. I decided to try it with him tonight, and did much better than I had anticipated.

OK ... at 16 minutes I was ready to stop, and talked myself in to continuing and going 20 minutes. At 20 minutes, I decided I could probably make it to 25 minutes. At 25 minutes, I figured, OK, a 30-minute workout would be great. And I had already done my abs workout. Mike had initially told me that it's "about" a 40-minute workout. Figured I could just keep taking it 5 minutes at a time, until I can't do anymore. So, 35 minutes, 40 minutes. Ahh, done ... or NOT!! It was actually 45-minutes, which includes explaining the set up of your bike, how to change the resistance, lots of intervals (sitting and standing up pedaling), a warm-up, a recovery set, a cool down and then stretching at the end. And I DID IT!! THE WHOLE THING!!! Mike was extremely encouraging ... as is typically the case!

I am going to try to do Spin-on-demand and/or kick-boxing, stepping, etc., two to three times a week, and also do my regular arc-trainer, abs routine and circuit training workouts. Today I found out ... I CAN DO IT, try something new and succeed, and so can you! Try some new moves, new exercises, new healthy foods. It's a brand new month, a great time to start or re-energize your workouts . Let me know what you try and how you do! I'm encouraging you all the way!!

Wishing you a fit & fabulous day!