Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Almost 2010!

Are you ready for the New Year? I am, and I am excited about my new attitude and all that is going to follow! It's going to be a fabulous year!!
Wishing you all the best as well!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Connecting Again in 2010!

I want to connect again in 2010, with:

It's very exciting to think that God gives us another opportunity by giving us another year to serve him and others. Life is good, and I know that 2010 will be even better. I have already begun using Darren Hardy's (Publisher of Success magazine) goal setting plan/process. I will be working to balance the following areas of my life:


AND, I'm even looking forward to it! Went and worked out with Mikie this morning ... great way to pre-pare for the NEW YEAR!!

Blessings to all!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Reflections ...

It has been a long and quick year, all at the same time. Many challenges, many blessings!

I pray that all those I know, and those that they know feel the blessing of God's love for them through the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ this week!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tis the Season ...

For counting our blessings! My daughter is home with H1N1 today. Has been sick off and on for a week. I am blessed because we have access to healthcare. We have good insurance! No fever this a.m.! YAY!! Hopefully, she's on the mend!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby is 18 today

I can hardly believe that my "baby" is 18 years old today!!!

Happy birthday, Kristian! Love you much!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Energy ...

I haven't had any! I think I completely wore myself down to the point of exhaustion and sickness. I spent the last two days at home from work with a major headache, sore throat, a bit of dizziness, and a head that felt completely full. I've been battling the headache for at least a week ... I have chronic headaches, and take medication for them, but it hadn't been helping. That's when I know I have to just stop for a bit. So I did. Part of it is stress; part of it is the fact that the farmers have begun harvesting. (Today they started with the corn fields directly across from our house.) The headache seems to always be a combination of worry, fret, allergies, sinus.

Today has been a bit better. Haven't had to take a nap at all, though I didn't get up until 7:30. My throat hasn't been hurting as much today, only occasionally. My headache comes and goes. I think I'm on the mend! YAY!!

I've got writing projects to do and plan to complete a couple tonight time permitting. Working on my book proposal for Jane's story, and I have a Business Scene to write for Springfield Scene.

So, I'll close for now so I can move on to my projects!

Wishing all an evening of roses and rainbows!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thanksgiving ...

This is my favorite holiday ... a time to give thanks, share fellowship and food with friends and family, with no other expectations. And as I look back on 2009 and reflect I have so much for which I am thankful! God is good, indeed!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sunday's Message is on Patience ...

I really need to pay attention to this one. I tend to work hard at not asking God for patience. Just as sure as I ask, He gives me reason to need it! The contemporary services tomorrow, I think are going to be strong ... there is special music, drama, praise and reflection songs and, of course, a sermon. I think it's a topic (Patience) that we all need to hear about in our "busy hurry up and wait" lives. I'm sure God will be speaking to me ... come and listen to see what He has to say to you, too!

Services are 8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m. (both contemporary) and 11 a.m. (traditional), Chatham Presbyterian Church, 1835 East Gordon, Chatham, IL!

Wishing you roses and rainbows today!

Beautiful day ...

The sun is shining bright and the crisp, orange, yellow and red leaves are gently falling from the trees, landing on the grass just waiting to be run through!

As soon as I leave the office, I'm gonna go to the grocery store and then for a long walk outside, I think ... kick some crunchy leaves along the way.

What do you do with your beautiful days?


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween ...

This is not my favorite holiday, but it has been a great day so far! Went to the office and worked for 3 1/2 hours this a.m. ... was very productive : ) Then worked out for about 20 minutes on the elliptical. YAY!!

Quiet in the house right now ... Mike just woke up from a brief Saturday afternoon nap. The kittens are sleeping as is Buddy. The dryer is humming quietly and steadily in the basement ... I can hear it from the vent in my home office.

Kristian and Mike have been sick all week ... actually took her to the doctor. Ear infection! Now she and Mike are getting better and my throat hurts a little bit. Of course, that could also be from the chocolate I've eaten this week! Grrrr!!!

Gonna do a bit of reading/writing now, then have snack to make to take to a Halloween get-together with friends after we hand out candy to all the little goblins that stop by our house for trick-or-treating tonight : )

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Prayers needed for Uncle Dean

If you are reading this today ... please say a prayer for my Uncle Dean ... he is in the hospital, mid to late 70s ... cancer survivor and either heart attack or stroke survivor. Apparently, he fell recently, and as a result he broke some vertebrae ... and nobody knew it. Also surround my Aunt Bernice as she will be by his side no matter what, and will not get the rest she needs. They also have 5 grown children and many grandchildren. Please surround the whole clan!
Thanks, much!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Life update ...

All is well! Coach Rigoni is busy gearing up for basketball season to start! He's ready! Practices begin the week of Veteran's Day : )
Kristian is looking at colleges ... culinary arts schools, and will soon be 18! YIKES!
Megan & Brian: Looking for jobs closer to home!
Zach: moved out on his own, truly on his own ... paying rent, utilities, the whole 9 yards ... doing well!

Faith and Church:
Time with God: Continually trying to spend more time with God, doing devotions/praying and reading my Bible. Still don't have a good routine in place. But I'm working on it. Listen to a lot of podcasts of folks like Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen, Mark Johnson (local minister at Calvary Temple) and others.

- I got to write and deliver the message, "Benefits of Believing" on Oct. 18. It was based on the 18th Book of Acts.

My Small Group is reorganizing ... our group is a multi-generational, multi-life-stage group and we have found that it is getting harder and harder for us to meet on a regular basis. So, we are going to have a semi-virtual small group ... do our prayer requests/praises via e-mail and phone, but still try to meet once a month to share fellowship, fun and food : ) Such wonderful relationships and connections that we don't want to lose.

Meet Me at the Manger - Kids' (2nd thru 6th graders) Christmas musical rehearsal starts tonight - I get to help co-direct! The musical is great ... fun music, drama that tugs at the heartstrings and tickles the funny bone! Sure to please all who participate, and all who come to see it!

Advertising sales are picking up in Illinois Country Living! YAY! I still love my job and am blessed because I still have a job. So many people without these days! I am one of the fortunate ones!

Health & Wellness:
Better ... working out more, eating less junk ... including more healthy foods! It's a continual journey!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Social Media ...

Are you using it? And if so, which forms:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One of those weeks ...

... and it's only Wednesday!

Ever have one of those weeks when every time you take two positive steps forward, you find that somewhere along the way something happens to take you at least five steps back? Why is that?!

It wears me out, makes me mad and makes me withdrawal into myself ... I hate that!

I'm thankful for God, friends and family who pull me through the hard weeks!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Answered prayers ...

Sometimes God says "Yes!"
Sometimes He says "No!"
Sometimes He says, "Not yet!"

Thankful that His timing is perfect!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Life is good ...

Happily married!
Love my husband and my 3 children!
My family loves me!
Have a job ... and I enjoy it!
Friends are abundant!
Church family touches my heart and holds me accountable ... especially my small group!
Thanks, God ... my life is full of blessings : )

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Death ... Life

When someone I know dies ... it always makes me think about life, theirs, of course ... what kind of impression did that person make on me, on others? What was special about them? How did they interact with others? What will I remember most?

I've known Dennis Wendling for a little over 18 years ... and he died suddenly Thursday night at only 68 years old, leaving behind a family who adored him and many people who called him friend. What I know is this: he is the Dad of my husband's ex-wife. He was a positive role model in my husband's life, and I loved him for that. I don't think I ever told him so. He made me feel like a part of the family when Mike and I started our relationship and through the years of our marriage. He and Gloria came to our wedding ... Gloria even designed my bouquet and did the flowers for our wedding ... I'm not sure she knows how much that meant to me either; they took Kristian sometimes when they picked up Megan and Zach when they were all so little in those early years. I don't know if I ever thanked either of them for showing her that love. I love that Dennis dressed up as Santa Claus every year and touched the hearts of young and old with his naturally white beard, twinkling eyes and bright smile. I love that he and Gloria did that together, she is a beautiful Mrs. Claus.

I don't remember if I ever thanked him or Gloria for taking Zach to Disney so many years ago ... and for making sure Zach called me to let me know that they were all OK, even with the hurricane/storms. And that they asked me to call Melanie and let her know. They believed in me as a parent! That meant the world to me!

Today, as I think about how wonderful our children are, how strong Melanie and Ron's marriage seems to be, how strong mine and Mike's marriage is, I know that much of that is because of the example Dennis and Gloria have set. I asked Mike last night one of the things he'll remember most about Dennis, and his response was "That he always made sure his family was taken care of, no matter what life's circumstances brought their way." That is how Mike is today ... he loves us, his family, unconditionally and I can always count on him no matter what life brings our way.

Don't wait to share how positive an impact someone has had on your life. If you love someone ... take time today to let them know ... before it's too late!

Dennis, I know God is enjoying your company today! You are missed already, and you are loved!

Wishing you roses and rainbows!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today is the day ...

to take hold of my own attitude and make sure it is properly adjusted!!

Have a fantastic day!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Visit from Megan ...

YAY!! Megan got to come home and visit all of us! Hadn't seen her since her graduation in May! She looks wonderful ... has been eating healthy and working out and it shows! I am so proud of her. She has inspired me! I didn't get to do a lot of visiting with her, as I had to be at work.

I did get to talk with her some on Tuesday when she came over because I was home sick ... food poisoning we think. GRRR!!! At least it gave me an opportunity to see her and catch up a bit. Sure miss having her and Brian around here ... I know that Mike, Kristian and Zach miss her terribly, too ... perhaps one of these days they'll be able to move closer to home. Even Champaign-Urbana would be awesome ... but we want what's best for them ... so where ever God plants them is OK with us.

Wishing you roses and rainbows!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Storms ...

I'm a big baby in them ... scare me to death ... but it seems to have passed now!
Have a happy day!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vacation Bible School ...

Wildwood Forest ... Vacation Bible School ... preparations are well underway!

We had drama rehearsal last night, which was so much fun ... the kids are gonna love this year's characters!!

Then we had our VBS staff meeting ... it is gonna be another fantastic week with awesome volunteers ... Aug. 3 - 7 at Chatham Presbyterian Church, Chatham, Ill. Dinner is at 5 p.m., Program 6 p.m. to 8:30!! The Wildwood Forest will be a sanctuary of faith, hope and love, fellowship and fun!!

If you are in the area, have kids who would enjoy singing, crafting, enjoying snacks, playing games and all while learning about God/Jesus ... bring them!!

Adventure calls!! WOOHOO!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

How time flies ...

I am always amazed at the pace with which life happens ... sometimes I can't believe the day has passed. What is more frustrating is knowing the day has passed with a list of to-do's yet to be done! There are so many things I want to do, but can't get the "have-to-do's" on the list done, which could give me the freedom I need to move forward.

Anyone else experience this craziness? Have any good ways to combat the issue? One of the things I know I must do is SIMPLIFY! I have too many calendars ... ICal on my laptop, Google calendar for our work group (so we know where everyone is as needed), and I am old school ... I still like my Franklin Covey planner ... the one with paper that I can actually write on ... silly, perhaps, but it might be my favorite! Although I do like the pop-ups on my ICal reminding me of appointments, etc.

Let me know if you have any grand ideas on how to simplify and get everything prioritized and done!!

Have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Best laid plans ...

I just looked at my last entry ... I have not followed through on each of the tasks that I outlined, though I have done better with some! I'll review them again tonight, and put a plan together that will help me get organized enough to accomplish the tasks!
Have a productive day!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Perspective on the hours we're granted ...

There are days that I complain ... perhaps you do the same. Yesterday, life was put in perspective, and I realized my complaining, the things that I worry about, the things that I so often spend my time dwelling on are so very trivial.

I lead a wonderful small group, and several months ago we prayed for the family of one of our small group member's employees who lost most everything in a house fire. Yesterday, after church, he called to ask for prayers for that same employee ... she has had a recurrence of cancer ... it is in her spine, lymph nodes and lungs, and her brain is swelling ... she has been given 6 to 12 months to live.

I have another friend who is going through the adoption process ... has met her twin daughters, but can't bring them home from the hospital ... they aren't fully developed yet, and the birth parents are in a tangled fight, causing additional delays. The cost for the hospital, attorney's fees, driving back and forth to see their precious little ones ... it is all taking a toll on this loving couple ... yet they keep their faith and stand strong! Such examples!

Babies still developing ... a woman given 6 to 12 months to live and to spend time with her children, family/friends. It's something to think about ... the gift of life we have each day is not guaranteed ... how are we spending those minutes, hours, days that we've been granted?

It's time to re-think, to re-prioritize my bank of hours and spend them more intentionally.

This week I will:
  • do a devotion every day (I did the first this a.m.!)
  • journal - get the thoughts from my heart and head to paper
  • set a regular writing schedule: 1000 to 1200 words a day on one of the several books I have begun
  • prepare client materials: newsletter for one and brochure copy for another
  • work on the business plan for PR with Purpose ... continue moving forward ... call SBA!
  • count my blessings ... and give thanks for each of them!
How will you spend your bank of time this week?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sometimes getting older can be emotionally painful ...

My best friend of 34/35 years lost her Mom to a battle with cancer three years ago. Her Dad is in a nursing home and has been for quite sometime. He is still mentally sharp on some days ... and occasionally does something surprisingly positive. When Leslie called me tonight she said "I visited Daddy today." Oftentimes, these visits are filled with dread ... and this one she was sure could go badly ... she had to discuss with him what to do with the house ... his house. The one that where she spent her entire childhood ... the one where so many memories were created ... the one that has been sitting empty for far too long.

In their visit today, he told Leslie to go ahead and sell the house. He admitted that he realized he would never get to go home (he is in his 80s). He also said he knew that money was running low, and he didn't want her to have to worry about it any longer. He didn't want her to worry ... praise God!!

It's in situations like this that you realize how precious life is. It's in situations like this that you realize how precious your family is, how much of a treasure your friends are. It's in times like these that you let go of pettyness that keeps your heart pinched, that keeps you from actually living your life and loving others in the ways that God has designed you to love and live!

Today, I begin to love & live again ... for God!

Wishing you roses n rainbows!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Here I sit ...

  • Watching the Tony awards and remembering my dreams of being on Broadway ... didn't quite make it ... in fact, have yet to go to New York. I do get to sing though ... each week on the praise teams at church! How cool for God to place you where He wants you!! His plans for me continue to include creative communications ... but have been way different than my own.
Currently, I am launching PR with Purpose, and working on the following projects:
  • Finished editing the text for Golden Heart School of Hypnosis' Catalogue ... has been sent on for graphic design.
  • Working on the Spring ConnectED PAIRS newsletter! I so enjoy putting this together each time Marilyn and Matt are ready to have another one produced.They have so much to offer couples ... whether you are just starting out, have been married for years and years, whether or not you have issues. ConnectED PAIRS is a great investment for your marriage!
  • Alpha & Omega brochure writing is on the agenda, too!
  • Writing 2 profiles and the Business Scene for Springfield Scene magazine
  • Finishing book proposal and chapters for Lesson Plans for Life ... a story of a Leukemia survivor!
  • Working on Mums, Raspberries, Roses n Rainbows!
Life is good!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Can't win ...

Why is it that when you try to do something good, there is always someone who can turn it around and make it negative? Frankly, it makes me crazy and wears me out!!
Have a positive day!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Home today - sick!

I am home sick today ... was sick the entire Memorial Day weekend! BOO!!! Sore throat, earache, head pounding, coughing like crazy, alternating stuffy/runny nose. No fever, so it's likely allergies/sinus, virus ... so I've been taking Dayquil and Nyquil Sinus, plus a cough syrup and sleeping alot. YUCK!!

So today I didn't get up until 9 a.m. ... of course, I was up and down a lot in the middle of the night coughing. While I've been home this a.m., I have done a devotion which was great ... reinforces the business plans I have been working on ... trying to put my gifts/talents/skills to use for God ... seems I am moving in the right direction ... finally!!!

It's the end of the school year! So, as I sat here doing my devotion, the kids have been in and out. It seems strange that when I say kids, they really aren't any longer. They are young adults!

Kristian came home from school after her final this a.m. and was in a great mood and very chatty. Then she left for Taco Bell (the return of volcano tacos excited her!) ... she came back ate her tacos and is now headed back to CA to clean out her locker, etc., then she's headed to Ryan's. She just seems so super happy and so very comfortable in her own skin ... knows who she is and is confident in that! Very cool! She is as cute as a button, too, with a style all her own!!

While Kristian was at Taco Bell, Zachie popped in ... needed to know where a business was, stopped to say hi and check e-mail. He was headed to the elementary school to hang out with the kids ... he misses them a lot!! The new job is good, but certainly is different than what he had anticipated. Those with behavioral and emotional disorders are not easy to deal with, and that is a large part of the new job. I think God is preparing him for bigger things, though i am not sure what, yet! Will be interesting to watch it all unfold.

Mike is at school today ... last official day ... then he has some basketball camps, etc. He's ready for the summer break I think! he has earned it for sure!

I need to be productive while I am at home ... gotta get a sales report turned in, work on three client projects for PR with Purpose while there is some peace and quiet ... and while I am awake and not coughing for a bit.

Blessings to all!

Monday, May 25, 2009

So much going on ...

  • Megan has graduated with her MFA from Minneapolis College of Art and Design(MCAD).
  • Zach is settling in to his new job ... such grown-up perspectives he has on life now.
  • Kristian is preparing for a busy summer of work, summer class and internship.
  • Mike is ready for summer, basketball camps, and some free time.
  • I am working at getting new business "PR with Purpose" launched in the off hours from my day job, which I still love : )
  • Our trip to Minneapolis was wonderful! Great visit with the kids and with our friends, the Moss family!! Was awesome all the way around! Well, except we discovered that Kristian does not like the flight experience ... could be the small plane we were on, tough.
  • Buddy stayed with T and Judy, but wouldn't eat. I told him that's OK, he's a Mama's boy and doesn't eat much at home either if I'm travelling. He pouts and hangs out in my home office.
  • My Dad's cousin, Barbara and her husband, John, came in for a visit. Barbara and I had a wonderful conversation about writing, inspiring others, etc. ... another connection I'll treasure.
  • God bless everyone on this Memorial Day, and thanks to those who have served and to those who are serving!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Catching up ...

WOW! The last few months have been a whirlwind of activity, both personally and professionally.

Personally, life is really great! Basketball season is over so I have my hubby back, and he's looking forward to his summer off ... well, most of it. He will run some boys basketball camps in June. I look forward to him being off, too, because we have a number of projects around the house that he will likely be working on. Today, I'll be working on a couple of those projects ... he is at a coaching clinic and Kristian is heading off to work shortly. I'm going to head to SNAP to work out, and then back home to paint the living room and hallway. We are going a bit more contemporary ... changing from the warm burgandy/wine colors to a blue called Ship's Harbor ... it's a light/bright hue, and trimming everything out in white, adding crown molding soon, too ... very excited. It's time for a change.

The kids are great! Kristian is wrapping up her junior year of high school and getting ready for her junior prom. We found her a great dress and her Daddy told her she looked beautiful when she tried it on for us the other night! She just finished her first SkillsUSA competition last week and is excited about next year's competition already. She is the VP of her local chapter and is really taking an interest in the leadership opportunities. She has signed up for an internship through CACC and will be placed somewhere that focuses on her field. It's so important to her that she is even willing to get up early for a month in the summer to take part in it! Plus she is still working and will be taking a summer class. She is one busy 17-year-old.

Zach just took a job at the Lincoln Prairie Behavioral Health Center, where he'll be working with the 3- to 10-year-olds. He is excited about the opportunity and feels this may be what he is meant to do.

Megan is finishing up her Master's program at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She will go before the review board with her thesis this week and has been setting up her final art show. Graduation is May 17 and Mike, Kristian and I will be flying up to spend the weekend with her and Brian.

So proud of all the kids ... yet sometimes can't believe they are old enough to be focusing on careers!

Speaking of careers ... I am still loving my job at the AIEC where I am advertising manager for our magazine, Illinois Country Living. Have been doing much travelling to conferences as of late ... two trips to Chicago, a trip to Atlanta, GA., and then a couple of area travel days to work on the June feature story.

Plus, I have decided to get serious about my own business, PR with Purpose. I'll be more deliberate about having the consulting and freelance work I have been doing become an offical part of this business. I'm in the launching stages ... have officially registered the name, working on defining my business plan, developing a logo, Web site (I have a very basic one out there right now ... etc. Taking it slow and steady so I can do it right (have to work on it in the evenings and weekends, since I work a full-time day job!) And I'm OK with that! Mike is completely on board as well. We want to grow this business in a debt-free manner ... have heard that Dave Ramsey is coming out with a book for small business owners. I'll be on of the first in line to get it!

OK ... I have a busy day ahead of me ... better get to it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hello, from Oakbrook, Illinois ...

Traveling on business again ...this time for a niche magazine conference focused on ad sales specifically. Starts bright and early tomorrow a.m. ... I have to be at registration at 7:30 (I volunteered to help!) I know you are all shocked! LOL!! Looking forward to learning and/or reaffirming what I already know so I can continue to increase sales. And figured helping with registration will allow me to get to know people quicker ... I did volunteer kind of blindly ... so I hope they don't have me wearing a mascot costume or something! YIKES!! One should probably think for a few moments before hitting the reply/send key saying, "I can help!"

I am waiting for maintenance to come and fix the lock on my balcony door. The setting is beautiful, 3rd floor overlooking a wooded area. So, if I can get the door to lock ... it will be perfect.

Blessings to all!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pity Party ...

Sad, I know, but I have spent the morning wallowing in my very own pity party! My doctor has told me that I have to cut back/eliminate the things in my routine of life that cause stress on my lungs, rib area, chest because until I do that the inflammation that is there that has caused the chest pains, burning and soreness will not subside or heal. Therefore, I had to cut one of the things I love to do the most ... SING!! The last couple of months have been very telling ... the days/nights that I sing or have rehearsals for the praise teams that I am on and for choir, are the times that I hurt and experience the most discomfort.

I didn't want to admit that singing was one of the causes, but it is. How does one give up willingly something that is so important to them? It is not easy, I can tell you.

My hubby, who is very protective of me and my health, reminded me yesterday after I worked and after I went to the grocery story pushing a stupid grocery cart full of groceries around and being in much pain afterwards that I over did it because I was feeling better.

He then said, "and you told Thornton (our worship leader/music minister) that you aren't singing the rest of this month, right?" I didn't answer at first, which he knew meant I hadn't. I said, "I already practiced and thought I could do one more Sunday. I'll be out of town the following week, anyway, for work." That was not the answer he was looking for. I realized in looking at the concern in his eyes that he was right. I had to give it up for a while. So, I have been wallowing in my own self-pity since yesterday evening. I am grouchy and frustrated, and didn't even go to church today ... at all. I stayed home to pout instead! Shame on me. I know that noone is taking this away from me to punish or to be mean, but to help me feel better. Hopefully, it will heal soon!

In the meantime, a good friend told me that God may be trying to teach me patience, or better-yet, self-discipline. I am guessing it is the latter, especially. I have much on my plate that I need to complete ... things I have started over the years with much enthusiasm and excitement, but that remain undone.

What she didn't know when she made that comments is that in the last two weeks or so I have asked God to help me prioritize the things on my over-scheduled calendar ... to remove the things that are in the way of me getting done the things He wants me to do, and to add the things, if there are any, that are needed to accomplish the plans He has set for me. I may not like what He does as he rearranges my schedule, but I realize that He knows what is best, and I am trying to not just hear, but to actually listen and do!!

OK, I'm done with my pity party ... it's time to get focused ... time to find the discipline ... time to prioritize life, complete projects ... move into the right direction ... starting NOW!!

Forging ahead!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Another weekend spent at the emergency room with Dad. More trouble breathing ...after a diagnosis on the 20th of Congestive Heart Failure. They aren't sure exactly what is going on, though now think it may be his lungs reacting and trying to readjust to being a non-smoker (today his is ninth day). We continue to pray that all can be easily treated. Part of the issue is making Dad understand the importance of eating right and exercising. Not smoking is only one step of many that he has to take! I'm proud of him, he's making an effort.

Keepin' on keepin' on!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Reflect and Renew ...

Today is Ash Wednesday ... the beginning of Lent and a time to reflect and begin renewing from the inside out!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My age is showing by the connections that I have ...

I only say that because it seems I now know more people who are at an age where they are facing death in some way ... a Mother, Father, Grandmother, friend, acquaintance. It makes me stop and think about the times when I should have reached out to say I still care when someone came to mind. With some, I have lost the opportunity to reconnect, and with those I pray that I will some day meet them again in Heaven! With others, a death has allowed a bittersweet reconnect!

Two such moments come to me immediately. The man who helped mentor and encourage me to use my voice to praise and worship God died recently at age 87. His name is Doug Moss! I got to see him about three years ago when I went home to visit for Leslie's Mom's funeral. He had such a big grin on his face when he saw me in the sanctuary, and his wife asked if he remembered who I was. His grin got bigger and he said, "I'll always know who Lisa is!" From the time I was 8 years old to the time I left for college, Doug faithfully played the organ at church and directed the adult choir that he allowed me to be a part of. He helped me prepare for various auditions. He was a wonderful man of God and I will always treasure his love of life, family and God, his encouragement and his faith ... such sweet memories I have of him from Calvert City, Ky!

Right after I found out about Doug, I learned that one of my childhood best friends (Mary) from Calvert had lost her Mom. A wonderfully, large Catholic family ... there were 10 kids, so when I hung out at their house I blended right in. We had so much fun. Mary and I haven't seen or talked to one another perhaps since I left for college some 25 (GULP!) years ago. I sent a message through the guest book when I found out about her Mom and hope that I get a response soon. Just wanted her to know I was thinking about her and the family. Where does the time go?

Who do you need to reconnect with today? Pick up the phone, send an e-mail, drop a card in the mail, stop by for a visit! It could touch a heart ... it could touch at least two!!

Wishing you roses and rainbows!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sometimes you just know ...

when you have a connection with another person!

I had lunch with someone Friday whose path I have intersected with on a number of occasions. While we really never had a chance before to really talk ... on Friday we talked with ease about life, about each other, about work, about family ... about everything ... and it was as if we had known each other and been good friends for years. I LOVE when that happens! We talked about the number of times that we have in some way or another crossed paths before, yet hadn't actually "connected."

That is not the case now ... we have much in common in our interests, in our values and goals. We have much that we do that also complements and balances one another. So cool when God places people in your life that matter!!

I am blessed to have so many connections in my life!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Health issues continue ...

Well, I had hoped that by now I would have answers to the health issues I have been dealing with ... chest pains/burning sensations and shortness of breath, mostly. Chest feels like there is something sitting in it. Very frustrating. The initial medication they gave me didn't work, so that ruled out (they think) ulcer, esophigitis, and acid reflux.

Had blood and other tests which seemed to have ruled out anything with kidney, liver, etc. Chest x-ray showed clear and this past Monday did a nuclear stress test. Fortunately, that showed that there is no blockage. The problem is, my chest still hurts and I am still having breathing issues. GRRR!!

My cardiologist's nurse called today and they have asked me to come in on Monday for an echocardiogram. She said the doctor wants to make sure that everything in my heart is structually sound, that the valves, etc. are functioning properly, etc. So, yet another test on Monday a.m. I just keep praying and I know that I have many friends who are doing the same thing : )

Monday afternoon Dad is having a complete physical ... it is much over due and I am proud of him for agreeing to have it done.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Whirlwind doctor visits ...

Have been having issues ... chest pains/burning sensation/shortness of breath, etc. Had a physical last week. Cardiologist visit yesterday ... have a stress test and pictures scheduled for Jan. 26. Said it would take a good three hours.

Today I went back to the clinic where my doctor is. She wasn't available so saw the Dr. in the clinic. I was checked out and sent on my way to the hospital for a series of blood tests and a chest x-ray. And a prescription for a medicine that is for ulcers, erosive esophagitis and acid reflux. Hopefully, all my problems are as simple as acid reflux. I feel, however, as if someone has beaten and bruised my chest and ribs. Very frustrating, 'cause I feel good otherwise ... especially can't seem to catch my breath. I have lots of people praying for/with me, so surely the results will help the doctors determine what the problem is and we can figure out how to treat me. I am miserable.

Since I am a singer, I am especially frustrated because it hurts to sing. I can't even hold a phrase and can't seem to hold my notes very well! GRRR!!!! I sang the National Anthem at Mike's game Tuesday night, and he said it wasn't bad, but that he could tell I was struggling for air. How depressing! And I knew he was right. He strongly suggested I stay home from the game tonight and just rest. I took Kristian out to dinner and have been home since watching television. Getting ready to lay on the couch for a bit with my blanket and a book 'til he gets home. So, sweet dreams!!