Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New "Gadgets" on Blog Site

I'm trying to beef up my blog site by adding links and information that I find encouraging, helpful, interesting or that I have a personal or professional interest in myself. For example, today I have added links to my brother's and my stepdaughter's blogs. You may find them interesting, too, but selfishly I added them so I would remember to check them more frequently!

Other links I've added:
Carlinville Cavaliers Boys Basketball - Hubby's basketball team! ... My friend, Judy, makes bath and body products, tarts, etc. I love her lip balm, tarts and room sprays, especially! I'm sure you can find something, too. Be sure and tell her I sent you ... she doesn't know I've added her as a link! Hope I can send some business her way! - friends of mine, Matt & Marilyn, run this business ... its main purpose is relationship coaching. They have a beautiful retreat center ... pictures are included on their Web site. Mike and I attended the Introduction to Pairs so that I could experience what they did personally, as I do their newsletter and assist them in their marketing, etc. So, I can tell you first-hand, it is a great investment!
Joyce Meyer Ministries - great Christian author/speaker ... I just bought four of her books and have been watching her tv broadcasts (1/2 hour programs). She is funny, encouraging, direct ... a super role model ... I aspire to be like her when I grow up! LOL! - wonderful Christian author/speaker, as well as a great facilitator of communications and leadership workshops, seminars, etc. She is another woman who I would like to model myself after. She has served as a mentor on one of my writing projects ... very encouraging!!
Association for Women in Communications - I am president of the Springfield Chapter of AWC and serve in a couple of volunteer capacities with the National AWC organization.
Springfield Magazine - I do freelance writing for Springfield Scene!
Illinois Country Living Magazine and Association for Illinois Electric Cooperatives - This is where I spend most of my day hours. I am the Advertising Manager for the magazine, a publication of the association!
DeborahBedfordBooks - She is, hands down, my favorite fiction writer in the Christian genre.

This is all for now, though I plan to continue building and will eventually add my own Web site ... it's in the works, so stay tuned!

Blessings to you and yours in the New Year!

Go Cavies!!!

We just wrapped up the holiday tournament and the Carlinville Cavaliers won their last two games! Boy, did we need that ... the players, the coach, the coaches wife! They were good wins ... the team was playing hard!

One of my favorite things about going to see the Cavies play is the fans! They are excited, enthusiastic and encouraging, whether the team is winning or losing! They are committed and proud of their boys ... I love that!!

I also love watching my husband coach ... he is such an encourager and you can see the passion as he talks to his players ... very simply, he wants them to be better today than they were yesterday ... and that isn't just better basketball players ... he wants them to better young men, better students, better at all they attempt ... and well, being better basketball players doesn't hurt!

Blessings to all as we close out 2008 today!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Year in, Year out!

It is absolutely incredible that 2008 has almost come to an end! I will spend the next week reflecting on this past year and all that has transpired ... the good, the bad and the ugly ... as I am sure there is a bit of each!

At the same time, I will begin to set goals for the incoming year. I know there are things that I have yet to accomplish, but still plan on doing ... completing the book about Jane Byram, finishing my novel, "Stormy," and getting the devotion book, "Mums, Raspberries, Roses & Rainbows" underway with Leslie!

I would really like to simplify life in the coming year ... get rid of the clutter in my life, both literally (I am a packrat and need to clear the papers, the folders, the stacks) and figuratively (my mind is full of clutter and needs to be sifted through) so that I can think more clearly, which will allow me to complete some of the things in my life that I've been hanging on to for so long! Here's to 2008 and 2009!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Time flies!

Hard to believe it's almost Christmas! Life had been busy at the Rigoni's ... I'm busily getting ready for the Christmas services and productions at church, while Mike spends his time coaching and scouting! But both are activities we are passionate about!!

Kristian starts taking her finals today and I got to take her to school yesterday and today ... because the weather is so bad! Oh, well ... it's a bit of time to spend together ... though neither of us say too much ... unlike Mike, we are NOT morning people!!

Next week will be fun because all the kids will be home for Christmas! Praying weather between here and Minnesota will be OK for Megan and Brian to travel in!! Kristian, unfortunately, has to work on Christmas Eve! GRRRR!!! She was afraid to tell me, because she knows our Christmas Eve is one of my favorite family days ... sharing our appetizer feast, opening a gift before church, enjoying the Christmas Eve service as a family, then coming back home, eating more, sharing wine and grape juice, opening more gifts and simply sharing in the time together ... us, the kids and Mom and Dad! If Chuck could join us it would be perfect!!

Merry Christmas to all!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving ... a day to count our blessings! I am blessed and have much to be thankful for ... indulge me as I list a few of them:
my Mom ... that her surgery was successful and that she was here to celebrate with us!
my Dad ... that God continues to give him another day in spite of the poor health that I think he is in. What a blessing it would be for him to go see a doctor so we could continue to celebrate life together!
my brother ... who lives to far away and sounds happier and more content than he has in years! I pray life continues to treat him well!
my husband (Mike) ... for the unconditional love that he showers me with every day and for the encourager he is in my life. He actually told someone he works with that I am writing a book ... was explaining "Lesson Plans" (book about Jane) to them!
Kristian ... my beautiful baby at 17 years old. She continues to be cute and beautiful all meshed into one of the smartest young women I know! She knows what she wants in life and I believe she'll get it!
Zach ... my stepson ... continues to impress me in his new job ... just heard again today how much the kids and other teachers love him. He continues to grow up a bit more every day ... he chose to hang out with his Mother's family for Thanksgiving and that's OK. We see him most every day ... and we are thankful that he is close!
Megan ... beautiful, independent, driven ... my stepdaughter! Missed her and Brian being here this year!
Brian ... my son-in-law ... he makes Megan happy and that's all we have ever wanted ... we treasure him for that!
My best friend ... Leslie ... who I connect with in an uncanny way! We know each other's thoughts before we think them it seems ... even with as many hours and miles as there are between us!
My faith "church" family ... those I worship with, sing with, play with, laugh with, cry with, care with, celebrate with, pray with ... those who are near and those who have moved away ... still part of my faith family!
My friends ... those who I get to see every day and those that I haven't seen in days, months, years!
My job(s) ... that I have a regular job and freelance writing opportunities to supplement so that we can provide for our family and have the wherewithall to help others more than we could in the past!
My life ... it's good! Not perfect ... but really, whose is?

Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving weekend!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Out of the mouths ...

One of my friends from church told me Wednesday night that her four-year-old and a friend were discussing having a bad day, and in the midst of their conversation her daughter referenced the message I gave in church a couple of weeks ago! She told her friend that raspberry days are the bad ones and you have to make them rainbow days!!

How exciting that someone so young got something out of the message God allowed me to share!!! I love that!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Not enough time in a day ...

... because I am not the best at time management!

'Tis the season ...

for basketball! This past week was the first official week for high school basketball practice. Mike coaches so our life gets crazy November through February! It will be a building year for he and the team. He plays the run and gun style so it will be different, but it will be exciting!! I love the fast play and really hope he does the 5 in 5 out ... though I don't know if we have the players to pull that off. We'll see and soon! The first game of the season is next Monday, 24th!!

He continues to be more and more energized as it gets closer to the first game ... I hope his team is getting excited, too! Mike truly believes in the team approach so I hope that they are paying attention and understanding his philosophy. If they do, and they play together, they will play better and will have more success. All he ever wants, as any good coach does, is for them to work hard and play hard and to do it together as a team! Let's go Cavies!! Play hard and play fast!!

Sick baby ...

I hate it when the kids are sick! Kristian got up this morning with a headache, slight fever and is throwing up! She is one unhappy camper ... her 17th birthday is Tuesday and she is hoping that she'll be fine by then! ME TOO!!! And I hope it doesn't spread through the house. We would like to all be healthy for her birthday ... she has asked us to take her and two friends to dinner to celebrate. Hope we all feel up to it when Tuesday arrives.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Good Days & Bad Days!

How do you handle the things that happen in your daily life? Are each of your disconnected activities connected really? I think so! I think they are, can be or should be connected through Christ!

My Mama Dees (Leslie's Mom) gave me three words two years ago, the day that we honored her memory. She said those three words to me as I slept the night of her funeral. With seemingly no connection, we have now found connection in them through Christ and to begin putting that thought together... Mums, Raspberries and Roses!

Quiet days or days of grief;
Bad days;
Good days;

and we added Rainbows to the mix because it was a symbol shared by Mama Dees and Leslie through the years. And the meaning of this one is:

Remembering God's promises!

I had the privilege of sharing this message at each of our services last Sunday. It seemed to have touched some hearts. I had the weirdest sense of peace as I spoke each time. It was a peace that surpasses all understanding ... a peace that could only be from God!

Leslie and I continue to flesh out the ideas for MRRR ... we will put together our devotion book and Bible study guide, as well. I'm excited about the possibilities!

Life is good!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

What is your Holy Compulsion?

My small group is doing a study based on Donna Partow's book, "Let Your Life Count Now." One of the chapters talks about our holy compulsion ... She asks , "What is the one thing that you can't not do? The thing that you are compelled to do?"

This morning, via e-mail, Leslie (best friend for 34 years ... YIKES!) and I were talking about what we think is our holy compulsion. MRRR - I'll be sharing a glimpse of it tomorrow in the message at church. Will elaborate more on it in another post!

I have so many emotions/thoughts running through my head and heart about tomorrow. I am excited that I have the privilege of sharing what I feel God has placed in my heart. I am nervous that it seems He wants me to talk ... singing/drama/writing ... those I can do! This speaking thing is a bit out of my comfort zone ... I trust He'll give me the words to provide the message He wants people to hear, and that he'll keep me calm throughout each of the three services!!

Hugs & Blessings

Thursday, November 6, 2008

She's home ...he's 40!

Mom got to come home from the hospital this morning : ) YAY GOD!!

Today is my baby brother's 40th birthday!! Welcome to the beginning of your next decade, little brother : ) Happy birthday!!!

Can't shake this headache I've had since last Thursday! GRRRRR!!!!

Sunday I have the privilege of giving the message at church ... prayers appreciated!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Update on Mom ...

Resting! YAY!! I stopped in this a.m. to see Mom before work and stayed for about 40 minutes or so. She was sound asleep and didn't even know I was there. I talked to her overnight nurse and she said she slept well throughout the night, too, and that her blood pressure had remained stabilized. YAY!! Her headache was still lingering, but Mom didn't want additional pain medication for it, so it must not be too bad! Again ... YAY!!

I am not spending the night at the hospital as I did last year. Not because I don't care or don't love her ... quite the opposite! I don't want her to be too comfortable ... we want her to come home much sooner this time than she did last time! I'm stopping in before work, and going in after work to visit. I may swing by at lunch today since she wasn't awake this a.m. Have to play it by ear, depending on the work schedule, of course : )

Must get to work ...will update again later!

Have a terrific Thursday : )

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mom in surgery today!

We thought she was going to come home without having the surgery. They had a lot of trouble finding a vein anywhere to put her IV in today. So she was sure she should be going home instead of into surgery. Then they brought in one more person ... he's been doing this for 42 years, found a vein, hooked her up, started the drip and rolled her into ER. We arrived at 5 a.m., they started admitting her pretty quickly and we were right on schedule for her 7:30 a.m. surgery. Of course they called me in the waiting room at 9 and said they were just getting started. It's gonna be a long day!

Dad is here, too. He's reading a book and I'm going to get some work done. Chuck wanted to be here, but couldn't get away. We'll be talking off and on all day! Have already chatted twice. Have called and talked to my cousin Tim and close friend of the family, Waneta. Aunt Bernice and Uncle Dean were already in town for his radiation treatments.

Thornton has already called to check on Mom. Joe (our pastor) has already e-mailed me to check on her, and of course, Leslie (best friend from Ky). I know that she is surrounded by prayer from not only our church family, but Leslie's, Mom's sisters' church families, cousins and their church families, my co-workers and on and on!

Here are a couple of God sightings to start the day ... when the first nurse came in to draw blood Mom of course, said "Good luck," knowing that it was so hard to find veins on her. The nurse found a vein on the first stick, drew the three tubes of blood and when finished said "Thank you, Jesus!" I took that as a great sign. The second nurse tried to find a vein for her IV ... to no avail. Said, well, God has a plan, doesn't he. Again, I relaxed ... though Mom was still focused on the fact they couldn't get an IV in.

She was taken down to holding in the OR area and three (I think) nurses, male and female tried to find a vein for the IV and couldn't. The last one that tried, looked at her arm, said I'll be right back. Came back with the needles and other tools, and said, "I'm gonna try." So, he knelt beside her, tapped her arm, near her wrist and closed his eyes several times. I sincerely believe he was praying. Dad said he noticed that, too. He is the one who found the vein that worked.

I just pray that everything goes well throughout the rest of the day and that they come out with great news that all went perfectly and she is on the mend!!

We were told probably 7 to 10 days hospital recovery time. Mom is hoping for three to five : ) Hopefully, her optimistic attitude will help in her healing!

Will check in later! Gotta get some work done!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Biggest Losesr ...

If only I had the drive that the contestants on the show have. I had a good weigh-in this week, but not like the ones these people have. Of course, it would also help to be able to focus on your workouts and eating 100% without worrying about the rest of life.

That said ... I'm thankful that I have a life to worry about and to enjoy. A husband who adores me, kids who love me. Mom/Dad and brother who love me ... friends who care about me. A job to go to and a wonderful church family which I get to be a part of. Life is really good!

Finances are starting to shape up! I highly recommend Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University! It has been helping us greatly with communication and prioritization. Again ... life is good!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Amazing week ...

It has been an amazing week of working on "Lesson Plans" (the working title of the biography I am writing about my friend Jane ... a Leukemia survivor.) Wednesday I got to meet her oncologist during one of Jane's many follow-up visits. Today I got to go and interview Dr. Bretscher. She is amazing and has one of the most caring hearts I've seen a doctor display! We had a great conversation about Jane and her insight will add greatly to the book.

Tomorrow I am doing a post-retirement interview with Jane. Next Tuesday evening I am interviewing Sarah ... a young woman from our church who is a Lymphoma survivor. Jane helped mentor her through all the various steps of battling cancer. I know her story will be a blessing to the book as well.

I'm gearing up for the emotional exhaustion that the writing of this book ignites. Tomorrow I will transcribe interviews. Starting on Sunday I will begin a regular writing routine, begin a habit of writing something every single day. If God truly does want this book I know He will provide the words as they flow to the page, the strength to continue when I am emotionally drained and the will to flesh out the other two chapters I have started ... one is done ... two others are almost completed. There are at least two additional ones to be written as well. So, here go. Tonight I'll do some re-reading so I'll be prepared to visit with Jane tomorrow.

It's going to exciting! She is a miracle and I am privileged that I get to tell her story : )

Blessings to all!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Random questions!

  • What do you do when someone you care about is hurting emotionally and you feel helpless?
  • How do you know what God's purpose for you is ... for sure?
  • Why is it so hard to keep priorities straight?
  • Who do you listen to when you are pulled in so many different directions?
  • When does life get easier?
  • How do you make people understand you love them every day, even if you don't visit or call every day ... and shouldn't the visiting and phone calls work both ways?
  • Why are some people harder to please than others?
  • How do you address the tough issues with those you care about most?
  • GRRRR!!! Why so many questions? All rhetorical, too, I suppose!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Connecting with others ... the circle of life!

Someone I talked with this week referred to life as a circle ... I loved that! Her reference was in reference to the way we start in one place with different people and often end up, maybe not in the same place, but with the same people touching our lives. I had two such encounters just this week.

Both were as a result of freelance interviews I did. The first was the office manager at the organization where I was interviewing the Executive Director. Betsey and I had done some training together for a marathon with the Team in Training program for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society a few years ago. She was participating in memory of her daughter who had lost the battle with cancer. I was participating in honor of three women from my church who had these blood cancers. All of them are fortunate in that they are survivors! Jane's story I am writing a book about. She and I had just scheduled two interviews ... a post-retirement interview with her so that I can get an update for the book. The second with her and her oncologist, who just happen to have an appointment next week. I'll be meeting her Doctor and will set up a separate appointment to visit with her about Jane's battle. The "chance" meeting with Betsey just affirmed the fact that I need to stay on task with this book.

The second was contact with the CEO of a women's shelter locally. I had interviewed her a few years ago for our local business journal after a tornado had ripped through the shelter. I had been meaning to contact her over the last few years to see if she would serve as a resource for a novel I am writing where the main character finds herself in an abusive relationship. Coincidentally, (I think not) I was asked to do profile on her for another publication. After the official interview for the profile piece, I mentioned the novel and asked if she would be willing to read a portion of it and if she would consider being a resource. She didn't even hesitate when she answered "Yes."!

Sometimes God knows our good intentions ... and finds a way to intervene to insure we are talking to, seeing, meeting the right people ... to give us just a little nudge in the right direction.

I am thrilled that He put me back in the path of these women to remind me how important it is to tell these stories, along with the devotion book that Leslie and I are collaborating on regarding connections! He has placed all of these writing projects in my heart! I am honored, and I'm making each of them a priority!

Who is in your circle? What are your priorities? Things to consider!


Monday, October 6, 2008


A son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?' The father who, despite having a heart condition, says 'Yes'. They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father always saying 'Yes' to his son's request of going through the race together. One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let's join the Ironman together.'

To which, his father said 'Yes' .

For those who didn't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever. The race encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride, and ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of the Big Island

Father and son went on to complete the race together. View this

Click Here to View the View of the duo.

I can!

Reminding myself that, Yes, I can do the things that I've continued to say I would do:
  • Be a better wife, mom, stepmom, daughter, sister, friend, employee, freelancer ... always working on these ... and so many others!
  • Exercise/Eat right ... I'm already back on track ... joined WW and Snap Fitness! I know it will be a slow/tough process, with ups and downs ... but it will be totally worth it ... I'm already feeling better!
  • Write Jane's story ... so many things have been swirling in my head for this story that must be told. I have new interviews set up and moving forward!!!
  • Write MRRR with Leslie ... a book of devotions, stories related to connecting with others through good and bad times!
  • Write "Stormy" ... the novel I have in progress ... I'll get there!
  • Get financially fit ... in progress! Taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course through our church. I don't know that we'll be able to do everything he suggests, but we are already making positive strides in the right direction.
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall ... my favorite season!

I'm sure that for many Spring is a time of renewal! For me, the fall season is a season of renewal. I love the cool, crisp air, the vibrant colors changing on the trees and then crunching under foot. It is a wonderfully fresh feeling and it helps me thrive.

Work is busy right now as it is the end-of year wrap-up and beginning of the new year! We are already working on the November issue and November is always good! It is the start of so many things ... the beginning of my baby's life (as she was born in November ... hard to believe it was 17 years ago! YIKES!) It was the beginning of my brother's life (will be 40 years ... I love that!!! That one doesn't make me feel old, it's just fun to remind him that he'll soon be 40. Of course, he'll remind me that I am still older ... but that's OK! I'm sure he'd say wiser, too! LOL!!! It's the beginning of Christmas preparations and the month of my favorite holiday ... Thanksgiving! I love this holiday because it is a time of family gatherings, reflective thoughts on the blessings in life and no obligations for gifts, etc. It's just a holiday of sharing and I love that!

Of course, we can not forget that it is also the beginning of boy's high school basketball season! Carlinville's first home game is Nov. 24 and I am excited about it! A new school, new team, new crowd. I loved going to the Routt games, and I'm sure I'll love the Carlinville games, too. Just won't get to go to quite as many, as they play a lot of their games south. Cost of gas will limit my travels a bit!

In any case, fall is for fresh starts for me! Wishing you a fall of freshness, too!!


Friday, September 26, 2008

Finally time to post!

Life can get so busy ... and it seems to be for me, though there are days that I'm not sure what I 'm busy with.

Right now I am in Washington, D.C. at the Association for Women in Communications National Conference. I am the Springfield Chapter president and my chapter and my office graciously agreed to send me. I am learning a lot that I can use in both roles! So, I believe it will be beneficial and will help me be better in business, both my 9-5 job (though it isn't really 9 - 5), as well as my freelance work of writing, marketing and pr.

Today we had the privilege of touring the Newseum. It displays all of the major of events of history as depicted through the media. There was so much information, spread out over 6 floors, that in the two hours we had it was impossible to go through everything ... we hit the high points.

It is amazing to me all of the things that our nation has gone through ... the first printed newspaper, magazines ever printed. First broadcasts on both television and radio. So many basic things such as these. But there was so much more in depth information ... the display of the UniBomber's hideout house; a 4-d movie that showed Nellie Bly's courageous willingness to expose the horrid treatment women were receiving in an insane asylum by going undercover as a mental health patient; we saw details of the Oklahoma City bombing; Pattie Hearst's ordeal; the beginning of comics/cartoons; an interactive area for people to record themselves as a tv reporter;

I must say the most moving experience for me was the 911 exhibit ... it was incredible listening to so many people who had been there and literally saw the event first-had ... many were journalists, photographers and the emotion with which they spoke was heart-wrenching. Both men and women left the exhibit wiping tears from eyes for the senselessness of this event. As with many others, I know exactly where I was that fateful morning on 2001. I was the PR Director of a local college. As soon as we heard, faculty, staff and students migrated to the student lounge and gathered together to watch as everything unfolded. We cried ... we stood in disbelief. Many of us prayed as we stood there and on that day and throughout the week we held prayer services. It was one of those events ... very tragic ... that for short time at least, brought people together. Brought people to God. Helped us gather as a nation to stand together.

It was a wonderful glimpse into our history, though so much of it is dismal. It makes me wish I had paid more attention in history classes over the years. Perhaps it will help me pay more attention today!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Almost forgot about Hurrican Gustav ...

My brother lives in Slidell, LA. So last weekend was long, not just because it was Labor Day weekend, either. We spent much of the weekend watching the progress of Gustav ... and praying that he and others would be safe and that Gustav wouldn't take out his house like Hurricane Katrina did. Prayers were answered! His house is fine and he was able to go back on Tuesday. Life is good! God is good! Thanks for the many prayers you all sent up! Very much appreciated!

Just another Friday night!

I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home! Mike had to work the football game at his school, and Kristian had plans to go to the Glenwood game with her friends. Her friends decided not to go, so we got to hang out together instead. And we were quite a pair. She has been doing lunges in PE class, so could hardly walk. I twisted my back getting up from a squatting position while taking pictures for work the other night. (A sign I'm getting older and not as flexible, huh?) In any case, I could hardly turn to look out the back window of the car. In spite of our aches and pains we had a great evening together!

We went to the bank and opened a checking account for her. She already had one at another bank, but it wasn't convenient for her ... this one is. She does pretty well managing her money. And we encourage that. Mike and I neither one were really taught the money management thing very well. In light of that, have made some mistakes along the way and are correcting them now. Tomorrow we even start a course at church ... David Ramsey's Financial Peace University. I'm really looking forward to it! I don't think Mike is going to go to the meetings (Sunday is his lesson plan, get-ready-for-the-week night.) He has promised he will read the materials, watch the DVDs, and work with me on it! We've been doing really well as of late communicating about the finances! This will only help us in that area : )

Back to Kristian and me. She is taking Culinary Arts at CACC (Capital Area Career Center) and needed a pair of shoes that would be comfortable and safe so, of course, we headed to the mall. Found some cute little jackets that were so cheap we couldn't afford not to buy them ... until we tried them on ... looked at each other and said ... "Uh, no!" They were way cuter on the hangers! So, we left them ... I know Mike will be proud of us for that! LOL!!!

We did find a dress that she wants to wear to an upcoming wedding ... so we'll go back and get that later. We moved on to find the shoes. She said, "Mom let's go to Hot Topic." I'm pretty sure I rolled my eyes and said OK, sure that we couldn't possibly find the shoes she needed in there. I stand corrected. Not only did they have them, they had them marked down 50% and then another 50% off of that ... $9 : ) YAY!!! So, she got those and a $5 pair of black canvas tennies. A successful visit to the mall. We listened to her music on the way to and from. Stopped and got a treat at the Cookie Factory and headed back home, where we went our separate ways. She headed downstairs to watch her TV shows, and I watched a depressing movie and sat on the couch crying! Yes, I know I could have changed the channel, but sometimes a good cry is a good thing!

Zach stopped by and showed me his new car. Bought a 2007 Chrysler 300. It was dark outside, so didn't get a good look, but I think it was like a slate color blue/gray. Beautiful interior and the main thing he needed ... lots of leg room! Remember, by baby boy is 6'11" : ) He seemed pleased with it, got a good deal, and I know he'll be safe in it. His other car was in poor shape. He's stopping by sometime today so he can show Mike. Perhaps it will be daylight and we can actually see it : )

OK ... I've read the paper already, had breakfast and checked e-mail ... must go to the grocery store and start my Saturday!

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Everyone has issues ...

When I think about the things in my life that I sometimes worry about ... health, finances, relationships, etc., there are often issues in the lives of those around me that seem so much more significant.

My best friend's father-in-law passed away yesterday. She has recently had to put her father in a nursing home so that he would receive the care he needed. And they have two small children to care for in the middle of it all.

My boss' 10-year old dog got sick suddenly, and now he has to decide whether surgery is the best route or whether it will be best to put him down. Anyone who has pets knows they become a "human-like" part of the family. So the decision will not be an easy one.

And I recently found out that someone I interviewed for a magazine profile who said that her son was the light of her life has learned that at only 11 years old, has a rare childhood cancer. I can't even imagine how she must feel.

Another close friend is trying to stop smoking; another is dealing with job issues; my Mom is facing another surgery; my Dad is unhealthy and won't face it or take care of himself. Issues everywhere ... we all have 'em!

So, as I have told a couple of folks lately ... the cool thing is no matter what our issues are, whether we think they are big or small, God doesn't see them as we do. He handles all of them in the same manner. He sees each of us as important, as well as the cares and burdens we carry, and He celebrates our victories with us, too!

He is an awesome God and I'm glad He walks with me and is willing to handle my "issues." Allow Him to handle yours, too!!

Wishing you a day full of blessings!


Monday, August 18, 2008

School Days, School Days ...

It was obvious at our house this morning that today was the first day of school : )

I got up, normal time, went for my walk ... 2 miles today.

Came home ... Mike had already gotten up and was ready for his first day, just finishing up breakfast and then he headed out.

I was in the back of the house after my shower and heard the front door open ... thought perhaps Mike forgot something ... nope ... it was Zach! Wanted to know if the shirt he had on (for his first day of work ... at Chatham Elementary) was wrinkled enough to need ironed : ) I had him throw it in the dryer with a damp towel.

Then I headed downstairs to wake Kristian up at the appointed 7 a.m. hour ... an hour she hasn't seen in some time! Surprisingly, she woke up in a good mood, talked to me and everything : )

Back up stairs to gather all of my things so I could go to work. As I left, Kristian was getting her keys out and getting ready to leave; Zach was having a bowl of cereal while waiting for his shirt. Buddy (our yellow lab) was looking confused ... why in the world was Kristian up and moving, Zach visiting at this bizarre a.m. hour and Daddy already gone.

Love having my family up and moving in the a.m. The hustle and bustle is good ... and everyone having their day's purpose ahead of them!!!

How was your family's first day of school?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to school!

Ahhh, back to school time! Well, for Mike & Kristian, anyway : ) We'll have some adjusting to do this week, as school starts for both of them tomorrow.

In preparation, mine and Mike's Friday night date night was a visit to the mall for some school clothes ... at least the start of his school clothes. He's excited because it's mostly going to be t-shirts and shorts : ) Remember, he is a P.E. teacher/coach! He'll also be teaching behind the wheel for Driver's Ed. Afterwards, we met friends for dinner ... beer and pizza at a local Italian restaurant ... we had fun! Note to self: Need to make an effort to get together with friends more often!!

Saturday was the day to get the rest of Kristian's school clothes. It was fun, too! And, when Kristian and I shop, it usually begins as a fun outing, but typically doesn't end that way. Yesterday, we went to the mall ... hit one store ... then got her ears pierced (again ... this is the fourth time, I think.) She has very sensitive ears so they usually get infected. We've tried Titanium this time ... hopefully, it will work! After we finished shopping she said "Mom, we should go see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 tonight. So, not only did she want to go shopping with me (I offered to give her money and just let her call a friend to go. ... she said she wanted to go with me!) but she wanted to actually hang out later, too!! YAY!!! It has been a great weekend! Hopefully, that will lead into a great week!!!

So proud of youth at church!

WOW!!! A group of our teenagers led the worship service at church today! It was phenomenal because it came for their hearts and was genuine. There was singing and drama that touched hearts in a big way ... at least it did mine ... and I saw others crying, too. There were video testimonies and even the message was given by one of the teens. Four teens also stood out front ready to accept people who wanted to come up front and pray with them. It was an amazing service. I'm sure that God was pleased. You know it's so often that rather than us leading the youth, we should allow them more freedom to lead us!! They talked about God being our rock, our fortress, our salvation, and how He is there for us to lean on, and how temptation is part of our lives, but that if we just ask He will help bring us out of the muck and will forgive us! They even gave each of us a rock with a cross drawn on it as a reminder that God is our rock! Way cool!! Way to go Chatham Presbyterian teens! You rock!!!

This was also the day that our third graders received their Bibles. It seems not that long ago that the teens who led worship today were getting their third grade Bibles. Thornton and I just talked about that very thing the week prior as we looked around and noticed so many of our teen helpers for VBS were those that 8 years ago (when me and my family started going to CPC) were the same "kids" that we were leading in song and VBS so many years ago.

It also seems not that long ago when I stood up front at First Presbyterian Church in Calvert City, Ky. receiving my third grade Bible. I still have it! It's red and worn. It's been highlighted, written in. I've noted verses that spoke to me. I've made notations as to dates of sermons or small group studies. I still have it and perhaps, I'll get that one out and read it this week. Review the notes I have in it. See the thoughts I've had through the years. Invite God to talk with me as I read through it.

Thursday 2.5 miles
Friday 2.5 miles
Sat. - 2 miles

Life is good!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Walking and lovin' it!

Sunday night - 4 miles
Monday and Tuesday a.m. - 2 miles each a.m.
Wednesday - 3 miles this a.m.

It just feels good!! YAY!! Makes me wonder why I've put it off for so long! Must be the lack of the MP3 player! Now I can listen to my music or my writing podcasts, and pray! The time goes quickly : )

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

It has been a good b-day! Mike got me an MP3 player and gave it to me on Saturday (birthday wasn't until Tuesday). He knew that I wanted one so that when I walk by myself I can listen to my music and my podcasts. He even already had much of my stuff downloaded for me!! Way cool!!

It was a great day ... my co-workers brought treats and cards and well wishes. And it wasn't even that they brought treats, but that they worked hard to ensure they were all healthy, because they know I'm trying to be better about what I eat!

At VBS many folks wished me happy birthday and my best buddy (Thornton) brought me a birthday cake, a bottle of wine, and a silly card. It made me laugh! My other best buddy (Tom) called and sang happy birthday to me, and sent me a pretty e-birthday! I also got a lot of b-day cards in the mail from friends!!

My son called and wished me a good b-day and we chatted for a while! AND my brother called and left me voicemail the day before my birthday because he knew he would be working a long day on the actual day, and then sent me a text message on Tuesday! Very sweet!

It's so nice to be loved : )

I'm looking at the birthday as my New Year! I've been trying to make one change at a time to better take care of myself. I have cut Diet Coke out of my diet! I'm drinking water and an occasional glass of iced tea, sans sweetner/sugar! It's only been a week, but hey, when drinking as much Diet Coke as I did, a week without it, and even during VBS, I'm considering it an accomplishment!!

OK ... headed out for a walk with Kristin (friend from work!) It's a beautiful night ... it's a beautiful New Year!! I am so blessed!!

Loving life!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I love my job and what it allows me in life!

I have a great job that I love! I enjoy the people I work with, the varied duties of the actual job and the opportunities I have to grow through those opportunities. I also love the flexibility I have as it allows me to serve in other areas of my life that are sooooo important to me ... namely, taking care of my family and serving in my church!

Tomorrow I get to take the day off so that I can register Kristian for her junior year of school! I can hardly believe she's only got two more years of high school!! Where has the time gone?? The fun part, is I think she is actually ready to go back ... we'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts!!!

I also get to spend much of my day at church getting ready for one of my favorite weeks of the year ... Vacation Bible School!!!! I always have fun watching the kids learn about God/Jesus! Seeing the light go on in their eyes and hearing them sing the songs and do the motions that we teach them ... it's going to be COSMICTASTIC this year! You can check it out at

OK ... have some work to do before I can go to bed!!

Catch ya later : )

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Laughter ... we all need a good dose of it!

Last night I went with Judy, Rachie and Hillary to see "Urinetown" in Rochester! It was great ... a bit warped, a bit off-color, and sooooo funny! I think Mike and the kids would actually like it and maybe appreciate it even more than me. I found myself laughing like I hadn't done in a while. And boy did it feel good!!

Mike and Kristian are just leaving Minnesota. He drove up yesterday to get her. Kristian went back with Megan and Brian on Monday and has been there visiting all week! Can't wait to here about her week!

Weigh-in was good this week ...down 2.8! Yeah! Gotta start somewhere. I don't anticipate every week will be that good, but I'm excited that the number was significant this week. Makes it easier to want to exercise and eat right. I'm really watching the portions, too : ) I'm giving myself one day a week to eat what I want!! That helps, as I don't feel so deprived! Tried yoga & pilates this week. Really liked the pilates. Just rented a DVD from Family Video. I think I'm going to buy a pilates dvd today ... I liked it best. I also did two two-mile walks ... hope to increase that number in the coming weeks. Would like to start making it part of my a.m. routine. Have been so exhausted (for no apparent reason) lately, that I've had trouble getting out of bed, much less getting up earlier for a walk!

We'll make that the goal for next week ... early to rise for a two-mile walk daily!

Here's to a new day and new opportunities!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Family ...

As I was growing up, our family was always very close ... I don't just mean my brother, Mom and Dad, though we were and are. I mean my Grandma/Grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins, especially on my Mother's side! She has four sisters and a brother, each of them had a spouse and there were tons of us cousins! We would gather at Grandma and Grandpa's for holidays, special occasions, and most importantly on regular days! We would eat together, play together, go to church together! We laugh, cry, and love! We still do ... and we still surround each other in prayer!!

In the last few years we have gathered only twice for family reunions as we are spread all across the United States. The cool thing is ... when we do gather, we seem to be able to pick up as if time and space had not separated us. I love that!! And I miss all of those gatherings!

Tonight I'm a bit reflective because my Uncle Dean is sick and I want to be around for him, my cousins and especially my Aunt Bernice! They live in Georgia ... I did call Aunt Bernice tonight though to let her know that they are in my thoughts and prayers! Wish I could reach out and give her a big hug!!

Family ... let them know how much you love them!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quick thoughts ...

Life is precious ... treasure it! One of my best friends, Thornton, lost his Mom suddenly this week. It has been hard on their family because their love for her was so strong ... especially hard for T's wife, Judy. She was especially close to her ... I know she is hurting! The positive is that they know Mom is in a better place and she was a devoted Christian.

Health matters ... Had a doctor appointment last week! Yuck! Obese was the word that was gently whispered ... by looking at me, it's easy to tell I'm overweight, one likely wouldn't say obese, though (or maybe they would!) ... that's what the BMI, scale and frankly, my clothes are all screaming. I'm trying to take it seriously this time ... portion control ... some of my friends at work today were especially encouraging as I ate my WW lunch : ) I so appreciated that! They said they are going to do their best to encourage me through a three-week period ... takes 21 days to make a habit, you know!

Exercise is key ... last night I walked about 3 miles with a friend. We'll be kickboxing, soon, too! Looking forward to it!

God is always great ... even in the downtimes! I'm so thankful I have Him to lean on, cry to, share with!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My brother, shoes, kick-boxing and walks!

My brother was in for a visit over the holiday weekend! Always good to see him ... though we didn't end up having a lot of time together. Sadly, we spent the most time together at Shoe Carnival picking out a new pair of running shoes for me, so I can get this body moving. That isn't the sad part, of course. The sad part is that I had him go to the Shoe Carnival ... he is a manager of the one where he lives in Louisiana. So, during his vacation time, of all places, I drag him shoe shopping.

On the upside (well for me) he was so helpful. He has worked for the company for the better part of 21 years and knows his stuff. When I tried on a shoe, and described how it felt he would tell me why, and move me to the next shoe. After about 6 to 10 pairs (give or take) I finally found the right fit. I'm not sure he realizes how important this pair of shoes is for me! I need something to help motivate me to better health. And I'm sure he could tell by looking at me that I need to get moving! And I have ... took the dog for a walk yesterday. My friend and I had planned to walk tonight after work, but it's been storming/raining since 4:30. We've already scheduled a walk for Thursday night. I'll be out of town for work this weekend, so will not get to do a fitness walk Saturday, though I will be walking around a couple of wineries for a story. Perhaps on Sunday after church and before small group we can get our long walk in!

Next week, we're starting kick-boxing!! WooHoo! Last time I did that I loved it and it helped get me in shape.

OK .. that's enough babbling for now : )

Have a fantabulous week!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Let Your Life Count ...

One of my best friends gave me a copy of Donna Partow's book titled "Let Your Life Count." I've been reading through it and trying to apply some of her advice. She also has a Web site and I signed up for 90-day renewal ... so I recieve an e-mail each day to encourage me. Very cool! I like the site and am getting so much out of the book that I purchases another of her books. It's call "Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be." It is another 90-day journey to putting your priorities in the proper perspective dealing with mind, body and soul!! Today is Day 6 and so far it is wonderful. I've written my Personal Vision Statement; set up a prayer area in my home office for daily devotions; trying to memorize scripture and pray by using scripture. I am finding that it is all very powerfull.

Today, as I showered and continued to pray I had this overwhelming sense of God's presence washing over me, literally. It was so incredible! I just knew He was encouraging me to let go of any baggage that I have let settle into my life. He took the negative at that moment and again, literally washed it down the drain!!!

I want my life to count for my family, my friends, myself, and most importantly for God. This newest 90-day journey is based on Proverbs 31. I am going to work more diligently toward that type of woman. I am already feeling better about life, self, relationships, purpose, etc. Life is good, because God is great!!

Be sure and thank God for your blessings today! I know that I am thankful!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Nice to get a compliment on parenting ...

... and I was thanked, complimented twice yesterday. Kristian asked me to stop and pick up a library book for her that came in (off of her lengthy request list), and to renew a couple of other books for her. When I asked the librarian to renew her books she started to just update all the books. I smiled knowing that that would take a little bit ... Kristian had recently requested 44, yes I said 44 books. She looked at me and said, "Ah, a reader! Good job, Mom!" I responded saying that libraries had always been part of her life, that we enjoyed reading! She said, "Well, I am a retired school teacher and it is great to see a teenager who actually likes to read!"

I'll give my Mom and Dad a lot of that credit! Reading was always encouraged at our house growing up. And they took care of Kristian in her very early years, so she was exposed to books not only at home, but with Grandma and Grandpa, too!! YAY!!!

The other comment I got was a thanks! Kristian was to go to Warp Tour in St. Louis today. She initially was going with friends from school. That didn't pan out, so she found out her brother was going and was catching a ride there with him, but he was planning to stay at least over night, and likely he would go out with his friends ... who are 21 and up, for the most part. Kristian is 16, so that wasn't going to work.

She bumped into a friend of a friend who was going. The friend, a guy a year or two older than her, and his brother, 23, and would be driving. They said they would bring her home. I don't know these boys, but we have friends from church who did know them. So, I sent an e-mail, explained the situation and asked if they would be comfortable with Kristian riding home with these two. The response I got was "Totally comfortable." Whew!!! Then I called the parents. I talked to the Dad, said I wanted to make sure he knew the boys offered her a ride. He said he did know. That was a good start. I mentioned the family that I had talked to that had complimented the boys. We had a nice conversation, I thanked him for allowing them to have her ride with them, and he thanked me for caring enough to call and check out the situation before allowing her to go.

You know it's those things that we, as parents, should do regularly. Check on our kids. Know who they are hanging out with. Know where they are going. Be a "big brother?" I don't think so. Just let them know they are loved and we care about what they are doing and with whom. Do I think we are perfect parents? Heavens no! But yesterday was sure a positive in that area : )

Ask your kids what they did today? With whom? What made it a good/bad day? They might even give you more than a "fine," "ok" or "I don't know." The more you ask, the better chance you'll have of gettting a more detailed answer once in a while : )

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Stuck in a rut ...

I have so much to do ... with my writing, getting in shape (in all aspects of life, not just physical). But I gotta say the physical aspect seems to keep me from doing some of the others. I have been beating myself up quite often lately because of the shape I am in physically. I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I feel unhealthy, yet I continue to let more pounds creep on. I can't seem to stop myself from eating ... and can't get myself motivated to move (exercise.)

One of my friends has done a tremendous job of losing weight , and she looks phenomenal!! You would think I would be inspired by that, but it appears instead I'm simply finding the pounds she's losing.

My Mom has lost a lot of weight, too, and looks terrific! In fact, she looks healthier than she has in years. But, she lost weight from being sick and in the hospital for 26 days in January, and as she has recovered. I would rather be heavy than go through what she did!!!!

Was doing great walking when I had someone to walk with, but she has been busy with family and travel. So, I haven't walked in a couple of weeks. Am I blaming her? Nope, but apparently I am using that fact as my excuse. I keep saying if I just had a treadmill I would use it every day ... and I believe that I would. But I don't have the $$ for a new one right now. GRRRRR!!!! Anybody have a treadmill that's only being used for a clothes rack or dust collector that needs to be moved out of your way? LOL!!!

Hoping to start up again this week with the walking, and regular devotions, and writing. I just need to get focused some how.

Hope you aren't stuck in a rut!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Decluttering ...

Wow, am I ever a packrat!!! In some instances that's good, but when you are trying to clean out one room and organize another it can be a pain.

When Zach moved out a few months ago, Kristian took over his room in the basement, which left her room upstairs available for office space. So, I finally got in gear and cleaned it out. Mike painted it for me over the weekend, and I have it mostly set up now ... looks pretty good. Me setting that room up, allows him to use the smaller office that I had set up. But it required me cleaning that out, too. I had sooooooo much stuff ... binders with and without papers in them. Books, books and more books!!! Journals ... mostly prayer journals ... took me a number of hours to do the decluttering because I would stop and read the old journals, or look through the old photo albums and pictures and letters and cards and well, you get the picture.

The good news is ... I have thrown a lot of stuff out!! The bad news is ... I should probably be throwing out a lot more!!

So, I'll continue to declutter ... it will be a never-ending process!!!

Have you decluttered lately??

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What's been going on?

We are on deadline for the magazine at work. It goes to press tomorrow! So, at work, life is hectic!

Megan came home Sunday so she was here for dinner last night ... which was wonderful. It's actually been a long time since I have seen her look genuinely happy with life, content with where she and Brian are in their journey with their education, careers, future plans, etc. She was smiling with a sparkle in her eyes. When she talked she was excited about life! And she looks healthier than she has in a while. City life in the north seems to agree with her! Mike and I are so very proud of her for the strides she is making to do what she wants! She is halfway through with her master's degree, and thinks she'll get to do some adjunct teaching this summer and next fall! Awesome!!!

Zachary had an interview with a recruiter for a company in Chicago. It's hard enough having one of the kids who has already moved on; so while I want him to be content and loving life, why does it have to be so far away? These crazy independent kids we've raised!! Again, he doesn't yet have a job in Chicago ... but who wouldn't love to have him around working for them?!! And, I don't think I'm biased at all!!! : )

Kristian is working at a Subway restaurant and seems to like it so far! Again ... a proud Mama!! She is starting early with her independence ... she told us last week, that as soon as she is done with high school (in two years) she'll be moving into her own place. Sniff! Sniff! More power to her if she can, though! I think the reality of rent, utilities, groceries, etc., might not be a bit of an eye-opener for her. We'll see ... of all the kids, she may be the most independent! Guess I'd say that was a blessing and a curse!!

As for Mike and I ... we celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary on Sunday! Seems impossible that it has been that long already! We went out with good friends Saturday night who happen to share our anniversary, same date, same year! We had fun and hope to go out more often than on an annual basis!

Headaches ... this is the first night in two weeks that I haven't had a headache. Had me down last week so bad that I wasn't functioning very well. Even went to the doctor twice. They don't know what causes them. I take medication for chronic headaches, but this one was different and lasted longer than any others ever have. They doubled my medication ... started taking it Friday night and it seems to have helped. Have to go back in two weeks for follow-up!

That's it for now ... not too much, but thought I'd update anyway : )

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Curve balls ...

... sometimes life throws them at you and you get hit right between the eyes! Why is that? A rhetorical question!! I don't have the answer either ... only the question of why some things in life happen ... why life has to be so hard sometimes?? I just don't get it!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Senses awakened this weekend!

WOW! Friday night was one of those terrible, stormy nights here ... tornado touch downs, nearby; black clouds surrounding the sky with lightness underneath, then pitch blackness followed by daylight again; hail as big as tennis balls in neighboring areas ... it was only golf ball size and smaller here. I know that because I was outside watching the storm at some point. Zachary and his friend came over and were hanging out with us. The boys, including Mike, were watching the incredible light show from the lightening and then a torrential downpour. It was so many changes in such a short time span ... amazing. The other thing that is amazing is my calmness and that I actually went outside for a portion of it. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am extremely afraid of storms ... especially of lightening! Yet, Friday, I watched in wonder ... and used my nervous energy to clean the house!

Yesterday, I met a friend out at the Chatham bike trail. We walked around 12 miles, and it was
amazing how much we noticed as we walked and talked. Branches were down, of course, from the night's storms. The water level was high, not only in the ditches, but also in the lake and creek we walk along on the way. We saw a racoon, rabbits (not unusual), a beautiful royal blue finch. It would appear every so often and fly a bit in front of us as if it was leading us somewhere. We would talk about stopping and turning around, and it would show up as if to say ... come on ladies ... you can go a little further, still. So, we went obediently. Kristin said she felt in some ways that God was sending us messages to coax us along ... to give us a little nudge.

At one point in the waters along the banks were downed branches full of all sizes of turtles! Some branches had 5 or 6, some had 10 to 14 ... and it seemed to be a families... the varied sizes was so cool, and simple number ... neither of us had seen that many in one spot.

The sun was beating down on us, yet God would send an amazing gentle breeze at times to cool us. And we could hear the rustle of the trees and critters in the tall grass and brush.

Smells abounded ... the sweet scent of honeysuckle, fragrance of lilac, aroma of wet cedar! I can't even remember all of them, but those were the most obvious! The gifts that God gives us daily are so very plentiful ... I need more walks so that I remember to look, listen and feel his goodness!!

I hope God awakens your senses this week, too!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weather & Moods ...

Both can change so quickly and are often unpredictable. This morning I got up and was in a fantastic mood ... was at church by 7 a.m. like usual, did my regular "housekeeping" things ... put out the offering plates, the bulletins, the announcement and then warmed up with the band for the contemporary services. I was in such a good mood. It was a little cloudy out, but not bad for a spring day. About midway through the second service, thunder started rumbling in the distance and rain started to sprinke. By the beginning of the second service, the thunder was louder, lightning flashed every once in a while and the rain was pouring. My mood became darker as the weather changed ... and for no apparent reason. By the time third service rolled around the thunder rolled even louder and the rain came down much harder and more steadily. By the time I got home, I was feeling down ... extremely tired ... couldn't keep my eyes open.

Mike kept asking if I was ok; suggested I go lie down and take a nap (rather than having my head nod back and forth and my neck jerk each time I dozed.) I said "No!" About a half hour later I gave in ... went to bed and slept for about two hours, I think. I must have needed it. When I awoke, the clouds were gone from the sky ... the sun is now shining ... the wind is still blowing but it's warmer. My mood ... still not so full of sunshine, but not all out terrible either. Just a bit cloudy, I guess. I hate simply sitting around, yet, I can't seem to make myself do anything. So frustrating. Tomorrow I'll be out shopping with a friend ... helping her pick out clothes for a trip she is getting ready to go on for work. Should be a fun and active day!

Today, we'll be grilling out for dinner ... I put all the trimmings together last night ... potato salad, pasta salad and deviled eggs. Mike is grilling pork loins. I'll probably sit outside while he grills ... get some fresh air ... maybe some fresh perspective!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friendship ...

Friendship. Connections. Bonds. So important!! Over the last couple of weeks I have been reminded of that. Two weeks ago I got a phone call at the office, completely out of the blue ... my friend Rita! And not just my friend ... she was the Maid of Honor at mine and Mike's wedding! We haven't seen each other or talked in years. She moved a few hours away. She receives the magazine that I work for .. saw my byline and called me! It was such a wonderful surprise : )

Then last Sunday, another friend hosted a wedding shower for her daughter ... we used to work together and our families spent every other Thanksgiving together eating, watching the big game and then staying up 'til midnight playing Pictionary. I stay so busy that I didn't realize how much I missed those times. So, the plan is to get together more often ... go out for lunch ... have the families spend some time together!

Last night I went to dinner with three women I used to work with ... it's just so good to reconnect!

Just got an e-mail today from a friend who moved away not too long ago. I miss him alot! He was part of our praise band and our little group who goes out on Wednesday nights to play video golf and photo hunt.

Getting busy, moving away, life ... nothing should get in the way of friendship ... I'm going to work harder to stay connected!! Friendships are so important!! I hope all your relationships are well connected!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

WooHoo ... He's Coaching the Cavaliers!

Life is good!! Mike is the new Head Basketball Coach for the Carlinville Cavaliers, and will be teaching, too. PE and Driver's Ed, we think. He will be taking the Driver's Ed certification course this summer. Monday he goes to complete all the paper work and will meet his players! He's (we're) so excited!!

Some of his Routt students are still upset that he won't be back ... especially his players. He said they were asking him today when the Jacksonville Journal Courier would do the story on his new job ... they didn't understand that he is no longer news in the Jacksonville area, and that there likely wouldn'tbe a follow-up story. It's so cool that he has made such a positive impact on these kids ... and he really did have a good experience overall at Routt! We'll always be thankful that he started his high school teaching/coaching career there.

Enough rambling ... life is good!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm sitting here reflecting on being a Mom/Stepmom ... what an awesome responsibility and privilege and challenge ... all rolled into one.

The Mom part ... Kristian is my treasure ... she is beautiful, smart, funny and strong-willed! I am amazed every day at the young woman she has become. She is very independent and has her own views on life. I think that is a good thing, even though I may not always agree with her thoughts. I don't usually worry about her in that area ... I think she can hold her own, and will always be able to take care of herself. She does tend to like to be alone ... I worry about that sometimes ... it doesn't seem to be necessary for her to be surrounded by people ... as it seems to be for me. In that respect, she is more like her Daddy ... he is perfectly fine being on his own or just hanging with me and/or the kids. She is comfortable in her own skin and doesn't seem to need approval from the world like so many other teenagers, especially teenage girls. Often times, I wish I was more like her!! I am honored that God chose to provide me (and Mike) with the gift of her life ... I wouldn't trade that privilege for anything in the world!!!

Megan is my oldest ... my stepdaughter. Kristian is like her in many ways ... independent thinkers those girls! Megan has always had her own way of living life. A bit unconventional, perhaps. She was my first daughter, 8 years old when I came into her life, and I have always loved her as if she were my own. Sometimes that is one of the hardest things, because there have been times when I feel very selfish and just want her to be my daughter. Of her and Zach, Megan has always made it clear to me that she loves me, but also, that I am her stepmom ... never, ever has she meant it in a negative way, though. I love the person she has become ... strong, ambitious, and completely in charge of her life. She has set her sights high, and every day is achieving them. She is a beautiful artist ... always expressing herself ... and she has so many sides ... that she is willing to share. I've seen her cry, I've held her when she has. I've seen her scared and angry, and have been there for her to lean on; I've seen her excited, happy and even silly and in all her moods I love her! Again, someone that sometimes I wish I was more like!

Zachary is and always will be my baby boy! He was only 5 when I came into the picture. His blonde, shaggy hair & brown eyes stole my heart the first time I laid eyes on him. Adorable! We have probably butted heads more times than the girls and I have ... Mike has always said it's because Zach and I are soooooo much alike that it's sometimes scary. Both sensitive, both taking everything to heart and very personally, both caring about everyone else and how they feel. Zach always made me feel extra special as a Mom when he was growing up, and probably didn't even know it. He made sure I always had something on Mother's Day ... I remember one year he made me black and red (my favorite colors) tissue paper flowers and left them for me with a card ... "Even though I won't be home on Mother's Day, remember that I love you." I still have the card! (He went to his Mother's every other weekend ... though lived with us the rest of the time ... Mike had custody of the kids) He was so upset one year because Kristian, in all of her 4- year-old wisdom said to him "She isn't your real Mom!" I came up the stairs ... Kristian looking smug and Zach looking hurt. I just looked at them and said ... "You will always be my son, no matter how we were brought together, and I love all of my kids the same!" And I meant it! Still do! Zachary, not knowing it, again gave me a precious gift for Mother's Day. He was going to a graduation party last night, came over early in the afternoon, and then I asked if he would come back (dressed up for the party) before he went so I could take a picture. He rolled his eyes, grinned and said "We'll see!" He did come over for a picture ... and he has never liked having his picture taken ... so it meant a lot to me!

All my kids make me thankful that I am a Mom! And my Mom makes me thankful, on Mother's Day ... because of her, I knew how to raise them, how to love them, unconditionally! Thanks Kristian, Zach and Megan for allowing me to Mother you! And Happy Mother's Day, Mom ... thanks for teaching me how to be a good Mom!!! And Michael ... thank you for my children and your love!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Peace & Quiet & Blessings

It's early on Saturday morning. I've been up for a bit already ... ate my Cheerios, read the paper and read my devotion. Mike and Kristian are still sleeping. I'm sitting in the living room and the peace and quiet is overwhelming. All I can hear is the low hum of the refrigerator, the chirping of the birds outside and the clicking of my nails on the keyboard. No television. No radio. Just quietness.

And as I look around what catches my eye is the sunlight that casts shadows off the trees while at the same time shines glimmers of light on the leaves and through the front window. Isn't that sometimes how life is? There are shadows of things that might not be going exactly as we hoped or planned, yet we know that there is a glimmer of light ... a ray of hope if we can endure. I am feeling and seeing more of the latter today. The light, the hope, the blessings!

Honestly, life is good! I am blessed with a husband who loves me unconditionally and whose love I return! I have three children who God has entrusted to me, and whom I love with all my heart! I have parents who are alive and still married ... to each other ... and a brother who holds me accountable even from miles away!

Yep ... life is good! I hope you enjoy the day you have ahead of you ... I intend to!

Friday, May 9, 2008

One of my favorite sounds

You know what one of my favorite sounds is? The laughter of my 16-year-old daughter! It simply makes me smile and feel warm. Tonight she had a friend over to be a model for her photography class project. She set up a backdrop and lights, and Mike & I sat on the couch in the living room and just listened to them laugh and giggle ... being exactly how teenage girls are supposed to be ... a little bit silly. We don't know what they were laughing about, but the sound was beautiful! All we ever want for our children is for them to be happy, don't you think? It really is one of the best gifts a mother can receive!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Team effort?

And by team I mean Mike (hubby) and me! This eating thing is making me crazy ... in fact, I am so obsessed with it that all I seem to do is focus on eating, and in turn I am eating more. I am at my heaviest ... and it's frustating!

Mike said he'd like to try and cut out refined sugar or at least cut way back. We tend to like a sweet treat after dinner, after lunch, if we are out for a drive ... you get the picture. The other night I made a pan of brownies. We demolished it, and of course topped it with ice cream (not sugar-free, either.) When we fix pudding or Jello, most of the time it is sugar-free, fat free, so we'll be stocking up on the stuff.

Small group on Sunday nights may be difficult as we always have sweet treats ... and we have many wonderful cooks/bakers. I'll just have to politely decline.

So, this week and weekend we will start clearing out all of the junk sweets, cereals, etc. We'll replace them with apples, oranges, bananas, sugar-free treats, etc.

One goal, one step at a time. Together, perhaps we can do it! Anybody have any tips of how you've succeeded in this battle of the bulge? I'm willing to listen!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ever Have Those Days?

Hello ... it's been a while since I've done a post, as my brother so lovingly pointed out ... calling me a slacker! So nice to be loved : ) Hey, at least I know someone is checking it occasionally!

It is 4:20 p.m. on Sunday, and I am feeling a little bit guilty because I chose not to go to small group tonight. They are all quite capable of leading so no worries.

I have been exhausted this week and simply haven't been feeling quite right. I slept 11 hours Friday night ... went to bed at 9ish and got up around 8ish. And I was still tired all day, and fell asleep on the couch reading. My hands have been really bizarre feeling this past week, too ... swelling more than usual and achy/throbbing. Can't think of anything I've done to make them sore ... so will keep a check on them.

I did finally get up yesterday afternoon and finished cleaning out my office space. You can actually see the floor! It had been the catch-all room for cleaning out other rooms. Now I have to get some kilz and prime the walls ... in my infinite wisdom (hint of sarcasm here) I encouraged my daughter to paint it the colors she wanted when it was her room. So, it is currently kelly green with some purple pinstriping and a purple ceiling, and has icky carpet. I want the walls to be antique white; I'm ripping up the carpet and cleaning up the hardwood floor that is under it. And, I have some "fru-fru" furniture to put in it. I want to make it my place of solitude and serenity for writing, thinking, meditating.

Interestingly enough when I walked in there earlier, I was not feeling serene, as Kristian's room is underneath and I could hear her tv. A good set of earphone are going to be a necessity.

Still not going to small group ... that is me trying to convince myself that it's OK to miss once in a while. Not that they won't be OK without me, I'm certain they'll be fine ... the question is will I be OK without going? I guess we'll find out, huh?

Getting ready for a new week. Shouldn't be as busy as last week ... maybe I can be more productive!

Have a great week!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Reality check ...

OK ... good friends pointed out to me that they think I have set too many big goals at one time ... you can read them in my first post. Said perhaps that I should just pick one main thing and focus on it until it's completed, and then move to the next. I understand, but it's difficult for me ... I'm kind of an all-or-nothing girl. And life tends to work like dominos for me ... if I'm exercising, I tend to eat healthier; if I eat healthier I tend to be in a better more productive frame of mind, etc. and so on.

So, I'm going to try and focus on a couple of things:

Writing the first book, the one about Jane. She is preparing to retire, and one of the things I think would be great is for her to be able to get on a speaker's circuit to talk about her fight against leukemia. Her heart is in it ... she just needs the platform and having her story published will help ... I hope! June 22 is her last day of teaching ... I hope to have an agent by then who is interested in the book. Wish me luck ... say a prayer!

Second ... I am going to get into shape. I'm still planning on signing up for Abe's Army, the 12-week training program for a 10-K race. I have five weeks before the official training starts for that, so I am taking little steps prior to that. Found a 5-week training program to prepare for a 5-K. Started tonight ... today's workout was to be 15-minute walk or cross-training. I took Buddy (our dog) and walked/sprinted for only about 10 minutes (was cold this evening ... we have a freeze warning out tonight). Then I did some basic stuff when I got home ... crunches, pushups, leglifts, stepping, waist whittlers, etc. It's not a ton, but it's a start and way more than I did yesterday.

I had already started doing better with my devotions a couple of weeks ago ... and I'm involved in a friendly Biggest Loser competition at work.

My main focus will be two-fold, get healthier so I have more energy to research and write this beautiful story that needs to be told! I'm on it!!

Good luck with the things you have your heart set on!!

It's nice to be recognized ...

April 27, 2008

Happy Sunday, all!

As I mentioned in another post, Mike's teaching position has been eliminated and he will be searching for a new teaching/coaching opportunity. One of the cool things that has come out of this change has been the recognition he has received this past week from students (players and non-players), parents of students (players and non-players), fellow coaches and even reporters. He was interviewed by sports reporters from both the Jacksonville Journal Courier and the Springfield State Journal Register. The SJ-R story especially gave a very well-rounded glimpse into Mike's first three years as a teacher/coach. And really, both articles were positive and led with big headlines. Today Mike was recognized by the Jacksonville Journal Courier's Sports Editor, Dennis Mathes, on his blog. I am reprinting it here, because I think he really captured the picture of Mike. And well, I am proud of him!

Have a beautiful day!


Goodbye, Rigoni

April 25th, 2008 by itsonlyagame
Rigoni is a good basketball coach. So we were surprised Thursday when
we found out his teaching position at Routt had been cut, and he would
no longer be coaching there. Routt offered to let him stay on as coach,
but without the teaching job, obviously it wouldn’t have worked for him.

Over the past several years, the same thing has happened at several
area schools, and I’m thinking particularly about Carrollton. Budget
cuts force the board to reduce staff, and sometimes, the staff member
is also a coach. It’s not a good situation for the coach, the school or
the players. Budget cuts are never good.

Routt had a ton of talent this year and should have gone further in
the playoffs, but a couple of things happened during the season that
kept the team from being everything it might have been and doing
everything it might have done. There really wasn’t much Rigoni could
have done to prevent either one of them.

We don’t know everything that goes on behind the scenes — sometimes,
that’s for the best — but I don’t think another coach could have gotten
more out of that team than Rigoni did. Through it all, Routt still won
a share of the WIVC championship in 2007-08. That was no small
accomplishment this season, with teams like co-champ A-C
Central/Virginia, Carrollton and West Central to contend with.

Over the past three years it was interesting to see Routt progress
as a team and to see Rigoni progress as a coach. Routt was his first
head coaching job. The Rockets lost some big leads this year, which
made some people a little crazy, but they almost always came out on the
winning end. For some reason, people forget that.

Routt won a lot of games this year. The team went 22-7, and Routt
was always fun to watch. No area team ran the fast break better than
Routt did. And no coach was any more gracious after a win or a loss
than Rigoni. No matter what happened, he was always willing to talk to
us, and he was always willing to have the interview videotaped. No
matter what. He took some shots from some of the posters on our Web
site — some fair, some unfair — but he never once complained about
that, either. I think he understood that criticism comes with the job.
That’s kind of a rare thing in itself, especially for someone who
hasn’t been a head coach for that long.

But Rigoni was kind of a rare coach in a lot of ways.

Best of luck, coach.

Another productive weekend in store

April 26, 2008

It's 1 p.m. on Saturday and I've already been up, gone to the grocery store, fixed breakfast (homemade biscuits and country sausage gravy.) Put a roast in the crockpot for some Italian Beef for dinner, gone to rehearsal at church for tomorrow's services, went for a walk with Mike, mowed the yard and balanced the checkbook. Whew! Mike has been busily knocking out part of wall in the living room. The other side of the wall is the interior of a closet in what used to be my office. This room is now going to become his office and I will have an office in the back of the house in what used to be Kristian's bedroom. When Zach moved out a few months ago she promptly moved into his room in the basement.

Why did Mike knock part of a wall out you may be asking. Because we have this crazy big 52" television that is not a flatscreen and cut our living room by about two feet. Got it for him for his 40th b-day ... 4 years ago. At that point we had the family room downstairs ... and the tv, which made sense ... a bigger space really. We moved the family room upstairs sometime last year, which of course meant the tv moved up. The back of it is now sunk into that opening and hidden behind closet doors on the other side. He did a great job ... looks like a flat screen now! It was my idea ... and a good one at that .... YAY!!

April 26, 2008

Of course the downside is that now all of the stuff that was in the closet is in the middle of the office floor ... so I have some sorting and pitching to do. In fact, I should go do that now. I still have other stuff to pitch from that office, too, and I had already moved it to my office ... hope to get through all of that today. If we get everything done, perhaps next week we can start in on the basement. Well, once we know what we are actually going to do with it!

Have a fantastic weekend!


P.S. - We rented August Rush last night! Great movie!! I highly recommend it!!